Chapter Six

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The campsite was very subdued when James crawled out of the tent this next morning. The grass was damp with morning dew while the sandy dirt immediately stuck to the undersides of his feet sending a shudder up James' spine.

The whole campsite had that acrid stink of polyester tent and sleeping bag material mixed with burned out coals and - James sniffed - alcohol?

Something chinked glassily against his foot and he looked down to see a couple of Steve's stray beer bottles in his path. James stretched an aching arm out and scooped them both up silently.

He could see Jenna lounging in her camping chair playing on her phone. The blonde appeared disinterested in anything, and anyone, anywhere else but on her screen.

Nearby, Brittany and Steve lay in their tent with the flap open talking in animated, yet hushed, voices punctuated by occasional bubbles of bawdy laughter coming from Brittany that suggested lewd conversation.

James set the beer bottles into the box they'd been consolidating their recycling into and allowed a yawn to escape him.
Images from the night before danced their way through his thoughts while Brittany's giggling reminded her so much of Sarah's. Without meaning to, occasionally it wasn't Sarah but Brittany he could see with him in his minds eye. Sometimes it wasn't himself but Steve and Sarah he could see.

That reminded him of Sarah's confession. 'A million times,' she had said, and though he knew that was absolutely an exaggeration, he couldn't help but feel that sex in the waves was totally something Steve would do. Steve and Sarah must have had sex before James had even known her. She would never cheat on him, but he couldn't help but feel slightly betrayed that she'd not been forthcoming with the information given he was potentially going to become friends with the big musclebound douche bag.

'No,' he reminded himself silently. That was before they'd even met. It was really none of his business. He hadn't been forthcoming with her about his previous sexual partners. To her credit, she had never asked, so he hadn't either.

There was no problem here. Save that now James felt as if Steve had sort of fucked him by proxy via Sarah. That was a messed up thought.

That was an oddly arousing thought.

James had awoken in the tent, sideways across the air mattress, wearing nothing but a coating of dried sand. He felt both awful and fantastic at the same time but felt around on the mattress next to him only to find it empty.

Jenna looked up at him for the first time since he'd climbed out wearing his board shorts from yesterday. He had no shirt on, and was carrying a fresh set of folded clothes and his soiled beach towel, which was all he had since Spence had soaked up beer with his bath towel. He could feel her eyes lingering on him and looked to see that they weren't especially focused on his face.

Ok, so she was checking him out. She was allowed to. Her outburst last night didnt exactly make him want to return the gesture, however.

"Sarah's showering," she explained unashamedly when at last she looked up into his eyes. It struck him that what he saw there wasn't flirtation or lust or even appreciation. She looked jealous. Jealous of Sarah? She also looked agitated. Apparently, she hadn't gotten over last night.

That or this was Jenna's default setting.

"Spence isn't around?" he asked feigning polite curiosity. It was both a dig at her behaviour last night and a desire to find Spence this morning and make sure he hadn't jumped to the correct conclusion that James knew about him and Steve. Putting himself in Spencer's shoes, James was certain Spence would immediately grow concerned that James would out them. He wouldn't, though.

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