Chapter 2

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"Fuck fuck fuck!" The string of words flew out of my mouth as I ran around putting my silver hair in a ponytail. "Where the fuck is it at!"

My aunt peeked her head around the door at the commotion I was making. "You looking for this?" She held my whip up in her hand.

I rushed over to her and grabbed it then proceeded to run around my room further destroying it. "Have you seen my staff? I can't find it anywhere and I'm already running behind!"

She laughed a bit my panicked frenzy. "I found it earlier while I was cleaning. I put it in the hallway by the door." She looked me over as I calmed down a bit placing my whip in my bag. "You're more nervous than I thought you would be."

"What do you mean? I'm not nervous." I placed my exam clothes in my bag which consisted of black leggings and a black athletic tank top.

"Mizuko you only get nervous around big life events." Nemuri sat on my bed as she watched me gather my things. "You're gonna be fine darling. You're gonna pass with flying colors Mizuko just like how your mother and father did."

I walked over to my dresser and picked up the locket that held the pictures or my mother and father. I opened the locket and kissed both pictures before closing it and placing it around my neck tucking it under my uniform. I grabbed my scarf and wrapped it around my neck then slung my bag onto my back.

"I really hope I can pass aunty. I want to live up to their legacy." I turn and face my aunty as she stands and walks to me hugging me tightly.

"They'll be watching you today so do them proud!" She patted my head walking away. "No pressure but I'll be watching the exams with the other UA teachers and I don't want to look like a fool for bragging on you." She winked at me as she left my room.

I grabbed my phone realizing I still had 10 minutes and a text from Midoriya.

Midoriya: Good morning Mizu-chan! I hope you're as excited as I am for the exams! See you there!

I smiled at his text sending a quick reply back. I made my way over to me parent's shrine clapping my hands together and bowing my head. Watch over my mom and dad I hope I make you proud up there. I lifted my head and made my way to the door and grabbed my staff, putting it in my back harness on my bag.

"I'm leaving aunty!" I yelled walking out of the house making my way to my future as a hero.

I looked up at the looming school building in front of me, taking a deep breath I started to make my way inside. I stood in line at the front desk waiting to sign in. I was looking around the main entrance when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back smiling as I saw Midoriya. "I see you ended up getting finished in time."

He rubbed the back of his head laughing. "I was up sooner than I should have been to get finished. I ended up doing more than what I was supposed to do."

I opened my mouth to speak but the woman at the front desk called next with an annoyed look on her face. I hadn't realized it was my turn to sign in so I shrugged at Midoriya and signed in. A few weeks after the slime monster incident Midoriya had finally broken down and told me that he was training with All Might to inherit his quirk. He was struggling with training so I offered to help him when I could. I made my way to my seat in the auditorium and sat down beside a girl with short brown hair.

She smiled at me and went to say something as the lights suddenly went off and a spotlight landed on Present Mic. I leaned forward with my chin resting on my hand as he started talking. I zoned out as he started to speak, looking around I spotted Bakugo leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed against his chest. Huh, I should've figured he'd be here. I kept looking at him realizing I never really got a good look at his face that day. The last time I saw him he had a pissed arrogant look on his face and now he looked somewhat peaceful, determined. I smiled a bit as he finally looked at me, his lips pulling back into a snarl. Rolling my eyes I flipped him off finally turning my attention back at Present Mic as he started explaining the test.

After he was finished with explaining and answering questions he instructed us to head to our respective locker rooms to get ready and then head to the buses that would take us to the exam area. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the locker room getting ready quickly. I clipped my whip to my side and my staff to my back, pushing past the girls who were filing in and making my way to the busses.

I looked around for Midoriya then sighed I was hoping to talk to him and ask how he was feeling after inheriting his new quirk. I got on the first bus that was lined up and made my way to the back, I pulled my staff out of its holder then sat down looking out the window to pass time. A few minutes later I felt the spot beside me dip down a bit, looking away from the window I saw Katsuki beside me tilting his head back, looking at the roof of the bus.

I went to say something to him but decided it wasn't best to bother him before the exam, I mean if we're being honest, everyone needed to focus on what was to come. After a few minutes, everyone had loaded onto the bus and we were off to the exam grounds. As we drove I absent-mindedly started playing with my locket.

"You're not nervous are you?" A gruff voice came from beside me. "You've been fidgeting with that necklace for the last few minutes."

Without looking at him I replied. "I've been training for this for years, I shouldn't be but I am. I need to pass so I can become a hero." I looked over at him and saw him frowning a bit.

"You sound hell-bent on making it into the hero class." He said with a shit-eating grin on his face. "How about we make it fun to ease your nerves? Whoever kills the least amount of robots has to treat the other to ramen. Sound good?"

I looked at him thinking it over. It had been a while since I've had ramen...fuck it. Might as well enjoy it right? "Sure why not, hope you're prepared to buy ramen hot head!"  I smirked knowing it'd get a reaction from it.

He got that shit-eating grin on his face  again. "I'm gonna make you eat those words frostbite!"

Looking back I never realized how valuable a friend he would be to me in the future.

Author here! If you're liking the story please comment and vote! Lots of love!

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