Really Important

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So, I'm going to share a fact that's kind of important about my brother. He's almost 9 and he's awesome and he's a great kid..

But he also has autism.

People tend to associate the word autism with negative feelings, and that's not really fair to my brother, or anyone with autism. It's really different for everyone with autism but they all want one thing.

They just all want to be normal.

They just want to be loved.

My brother can't even be put into a normal class because he's too "different" for them. He doesn't have as many friends as other kids because he's too "different" And sure, sometimes he gets more frustrated than others and sure sometimes he's a little crazy but it's not fair.

He can't help it.

All my brother wants right now is to be tik tok famous, so I made him a channel. It's to help him feel loved and to help raise awareness on autism, because it's not a joke, it's not something to make fun of or poorly judge.

We're all just humans.

And I know you guys have probably been made fun of even a little bit.

For liking BTS, for not wearing the right clothes or not looking like everyone else, or anything like that. Whatever it is, we've all been there at least a little bit.

Well my brother deals with that every day.

So what I'm asking you is not just a "hey follow him because he's cool!!" It's me asking you to show him the love I know he deserves that does get. A follow, a like, even a nice comment hyping him up would be so appreciated, I'd love that so much.

He'd love that so much.

So please consider it, because it's so important to me and my family that we show the world that autism doesn't make a person less lovable, it just means they take a tiny bit longer to understand.

Please please please follow @ASD_boii on tik tok and show your love and support for a boy who's wanted to be normal and who has wanted to be loved his whole life.

Thank you so much


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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