New Friend?

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I wake up again, another day in the fucking apocalypse, just killing zombies and stuff... Yay! So fun.

I take my weapon and get of the bed I was, totally it wasn't my bed, and I'm not in my house, this is a strange house there for lucky used to have food in it. I miss the food, my mother food, my grandmother food... That good times when I can eat a lot! But now... You have to save the food because there's no freaking food everywhere like it used to be.

I grab my things and go to the kitchen to eat a little bit, like I say I miss the food. And I sit down in the chair and star eating a cereal, the good cereal... I love cereal totally. I watch the other part of the table, that lonely chair was there... I miss to talk with someone, well, sometimes i talk with the zombies because I don't have anyone who talk with but... Is not the same to talk with that dead dudes... They just grunt and is so annoying!

"Hey chair!" I said talking to... The chair "Aren't you hungry chair?" I ask with my mouth full up cereal "I have food if you want"

Of curse he doesn't answer.

"I'm fucking crazy..." I whisper to myself

Now you see what loneliness can do. You talk with not living things because you fell so lonely... Is sad.


I was walking and walking like always without no destination like always, with my backpack in my... Back full up food, medicine, weapons, clothes and funny things I find in my way, like a teddy bear. I don't know why I have all this stuff because I'm only one person and with all this things I have in my backpack, totally can use to a group of six persons or something like that.

The good thing is there I not seen a bunch of zombies and all this time I been walking, is really amazing to doesn't watch a lot of zombies in your day, because mean! That dead dudes can ruin your day, no matter how happy you are or how your day was, a zombie bite you and your dead.

I tink I like this kind of surviving stuff and all, is fun and so dangerous but... Lonely is not fun, totally if I have friends with me would it be different, but no! Totally god hate me or something and he put me lonely in the fucking end of the world! 

Well, I'm steal walking in all this hole time, totally I don't know where I'm heading at, but I steal have the hope there's going to be one day a beautiful and save place where I can live at! That's my dream now.

I start to listening grunts, a lot of them! So I start looking all around me, and there they are! The bunch of zombies who can ruin your day.

"Fuck..." I whisper. And I start to looking somewhere there I can hide from those dudes. Best place? A three, so I clime up one three was there, the most faster there I could, the lucky thing was there this three was easy to clime up, because I suck in clime up.

When I was already up, I carefully take out of my backpack a rope to time me in the branch of the three. I sighed and look down to see if the zombies wouldn't watch me, for lucky they didn't.


"Hey you!" Someone yell.

I wake up confused and look around me, I was steal in the three tide up.

"What...?" I ask really clumsy.

"Down here!" That someone yell to me.

I look down... It was a mean. I was dreaming? Is it totally a surviver? Or is my imagination?

"Are you okay girl?!" He ask yelling

"I'm... I'm fine!" I yell clumsy.

"Do you need help to get down?!" He ask

”No tank you! I can do it by myself " I yell again smiling. I was really excited for that person who I didn't know but was beautiful to talk with a living thing.

I untie the rope and grab my things who was in the three and clime down from it. I smile looking the guy now well. He has a weird bear and has a patch in his left eye, he look more old then me.

"Hey..." I tell nervous. Was totally my first conversation in years with a living.

He just look at me.

"Are you bit?" He ask.

"No. You?" I ask.

He denied and he doesn't stop looking me with his only eye!... This is weird.

"Yeah... So..." I said nervous "What your name?" I ask smiling

"I'm..." He tink a lit it bit, is he forgot his name? "I'm Brian"...

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