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C H A P T E R  N I N E_______________

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"Have you seen a curly haired girl around?" Jimin ran his fingers through his hair, damp from all the sweating. The old man glanced at his wife, before looking back at Jimin. He furrowed his brows with curiosity and pointed to the boy. "Whatcha got on your face?" He croaked.

Jimin gave the man an irritating sigh as his eyes became hallow. "It's just for fun." He dismissed the topic as quick as possible, avoiding any further conversation about the tattoo. "For fun?" The old man repeated.

"For fun." Jimin muttered as he briefly lifted his brows. "Now, if we can get back to my question, that'd be nice." He gave the older man a forced smile, before returning to a straight face.

"Curly haired girl..." He placed his finger on his chin, squinting one eye as he began to think. "I do think you should know that almost every woman here has curly hair." The man chuckled. "In depth description is much needed."

"Forget it." Jimin turned his back to the man. "I'll find her myself." He took one step forward when—

"Little girl! What are you doing hiding behind my barrels?" A man shouted while waving a stick all over the place. "Out! Get out!"

"Sir, please. Just keep it down." Amara whispered, begging him to quiet down. "Shh!" She lifted her finger to her lips, eyes filled with fear.

"I knew someone has been stealing from my garden! Get your own damn carrots!" He continued to yell, ignoring her request completely. Amara let out a fuming breath of air, waiting for a chance to speak. "I'm not trying to steal y—" She yelped as a hand roughly pulled her onto the ground.

"Is this girl bothering you?"

    Amara's lips slightly parted as she stared at the tattooed boy, and out came a sigh. The frustrated man took a second glance at Jimin, before finally speaking. "Y-Yes! She was trying to steal from my garden."

HADES HAS A SON | 𝐏𝐉𝐌   *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now