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C H A P T E R  T W E L V E ___________________

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Jimin's eyes were filled with disappointment and betrayal, the first time Amara had ever seen him this way. She rested her hand on his shoulder, glancing at the faded cobra tattoo on his face. That's when she felt his body begin to severely heat up. Amara's eyes grew wide when she noticed the fiery veins covering his entire body. She stood up very slowly and took a couple steps backwards. That's when she came to a realization that this man wasn't who he said he was.

The tatted boy slowly turned his gaze from the sand and towards the girl. He could feel her blood vessels narrow, her body beginning to fill with anxiety.

Jimin knew that this day would come, but he didn't expect it to happen this way. He stood up, looking into her eyes with a piercing gaze. He ever so slightly titled his head to the side, moving towards Amara.

"That's impossible." Amara whispered as she kept moving backwards. She kept her eyes on his, as her breath was rapid. "You're Calista's son." She gulped loudly. "That means.." Amara looked at the ground and back into his snake-like eyes. "The myth is true. Hades has a son." She quietly spoke. "You."

Jimin stepped forward, until he was standing in front of Amara. He leaned closer to her, his lips tauntingly lingered by her ear. "How unfortunate, that you had to find out this way."

"I'm talking to a-a demigod." Amara began to panic, remembering all the stories her mother would tell her about Hades and his uncontrollable son. "I-I thought you didn't actually exist." She looked at him with fearful eyes.

"Thanks." Jimin sarcastically muttered.

There was a moment of silence, before Amara made a run for it. Jimin raised his brow as he watched the short girl waddle away. He softly chuckled as he watched her curly hair jump as she did. Jimin snapped out of it when he realized who he was and quickly created a chain of stones around her legs.

HADES HAS A SON | 𝐏𝐉𝐌   *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now