Zamasu/Black Goku X Chubby Reader

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You were walking home with your bag of snacks ready to enjoy your day. You were planning on inviting a few friends to your house to have a movie night with them and binge on nothing but junk food. Oh, the torment you put your body through, but it's not like you always binge on junk food so. You had high hopes that his would be one pleasant night and you couldn't wait.

As you were daydreaming about your night, you accidentally bump into someone and dropped your bags on the ground. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry, sir!" You panicked as you picked up your bags, not even giving the person one glance. He kneels down and helps you get your bags up from off the ground. "It's quite alright, but you should really not daydream whilst you're walking." He said.

You felt so embarrassed. "Yeah.. I guess so. I apologize again, sir." You said and finally looked at him. Your eyes widened a bit at his appearance. He had green skin, blue eyes and white hair. Who was he? What was he? He catches you staring at him. "Is something wrong?" He asked. You flinched and laughed nervously. "Oh, umm.. Nothing! Nothing at all, hahahah.." You replied as you stood up from off the ground with some of your bags.

He raises an eyebrow at you and stands up as well. "You're quite the strange one." He commented. You rubbed the back of your head. "Well, I'm known for being a little strange and awkward." You replied. He smiles a little at you. "May I ask what's your name?"

"M-my name is (y/n). What's yours? If you don't mind me asking of course." You responded. "Not at all. My name is Zamasu. It's nice to meet you, (y/n)." Zamasu replied. He takes out his hand to shake yours. You take out your hand and shake his. "It's nice to meet you too." You said. He gives you the rest of your bags. "Well, I should get going. Maybe we'll see each other again. Farewell." Zamasu said and walked past you.

You look back at him. "Y-yeah! Farewell." You responded back and continued to walk home. You eventually make it home and set up everything for your epic movie night. Your friends soon came over and you ordered pizza with other fun foods and sat with each other in your living room and put on a movie. You tried paying attention to the movie, but you couldn't stop thinking about Zamasu. He seemed quite different from anyone you've met before.

One of your friends notice you dazing out and giggles. "You thinking about something, (y/n)?" Kara asked, grabbing your two other friends attention. You snap out of it and look towards her. "Um.. Well, I guess.." You answered. "Now I'm curious. What's on your mind?" Elias chirped in. You looked around at your friends a bit nervous to tell them anything. "It's nothing big or anything. I doubt you girls would be interested in hearing about it." You said.

"Please! We wanna know!" Kara begged. The two other girls started begging along with her and you eventually gave in and sighed. "Alright, alright.. I-I was walking home with my groceries and accidentally bumped into this guy and-"

"Ooooo." The girls interrupted. "Was he cute?" Kara asked. "Was he dreamy?" Elias asked. "Was he hot?" Remi asked. "W-what? W-well..." You tried answering their questions. "Oooooo! So he was all those things!" Kara said. "What?! N-no! I didn't say anything like that!" You testified. "Then why are you blushing?" Kara asked with a sly grin on her face. The other girls also gave you a grin.

"I-I'm blushing?" You felt your face burn up and panicked. "So, what's his name? How tall is he? What's his eye color? Did you two talk for long?" Kara kept asking. You blushed more and hid your face. Why were you blushing over Zamasu? This can't be happening right now. Not on movie night! "I.... I.. Well..." You tried straightening yourself up and twiddled your thumbs.

"His name is Zamasu." You responded. "That's one cute name." Kara winked. You scrunched up your face. "Come on, girls. I think we bombarded (y/n) with enough questions already." Remi said. The two girls moaned in disappointment. "Awwww! But she didn't answer my other questions." Kara said. "We are watching a movie right now. You can have your questions answered later if (y/n) is okay with it." Remi responded.

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