Chapter 3 : The Invite

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 the next day...

Ash was getting up and being ready to go when he started doing his tradition that he does in private

Ash was getting up and being ready to go when he started doing his tradition that he does in private

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When Brock and misty came in and saw him playing an invisible guitar 

" pfft!" misty said coming in drunk

Brock sweatdropped as he tossed ash's clothes

" Thanks, Brock!" ash said

" No prob!" brock said

*Hic* .. *Hic* " com on ashy let's go *Hic* get wrecked !" misty said 

Ash stared, and Brock facepalmed and smacked misty


" send out the invitations.....' mew two said to a pokemon

The being gave a nod and began to flap its wings

Time skip

" hun ?!" ash said as he watched a Dragonite fly down and hand him a golden disk while he handed brock and misty a plain gray one.

" hey how come he gets a golden one!?!" misty yelled

" Misty.....don't....." ash said as she tried to take it from his hand

When then the disk shocked her

" ow! Grr.. No fair!" misty said kicking the dirt

" Pysduck....." Pysduck said as he had woken up

Ash sighed 

" hey ash why don't ya open it up for us to see?" brock said

Ash gave a nod and pressed the center of the disk

" Greetings Pokemon Prince!

We hope you will grace us with your presence to see the greatest pokemon master in history!

There is a grand accommodation for you to enjoy in, we will also have reservations for you to meet this pokemon master and for a banquet!

Fee for the travel has been paid and you may bring along your ....companions !" joy said

Brock and misty jaws hit the floor ash was so shocked by the woman calling him the pokemon prince

" Obviously they made a mistake... You are a good-for-nothing bitch boy! Not a prince!" misty said 

Then brock punched her in the face

" Brock it's okay....please...don't hit her..." ash begged

Brock sighed and wondered why ash let her come with them...

Mew two watched the two's reactions 

" Grrr.....You, human girl, are on your last legs...but then again... You're overconfidence will be what gets me my prize!' mew two said

Meanwhile, ash helped misty up as she punched him...

ash took her blows.... and brock couldn't understand why

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