Chapter 10: The Origin of The Pokemon prince!And... The Shadow Pokemon Prince~!

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Long ago. Beyond human comprehension, a ball of light took its first form. A boy with Jet black hair. With amber eyes and a human-looking body. With it's bountiful knowledge, it created Arecus the so called 'god' of pokemon, and mew the mother of all pokemon. 

Then gratina a being of darkness and Hoppa a creature of mschief. However, over time Arceus took credit for things ash did. They worshiped him over ash, and eventually it began to take it's toll on ash.

Over time the hurt became hate as he was shunned by all worshiped him....and forgot that ash was the one that gave thee life!

" My little Prince.... so meek...

I could give you what you seek~! 

all you must do is one little thing...

just say you agree and i'll be your wings~!" a shadow....that looked like ash sang

" Agree? agree to what?" ash asked

" Look at your subject.... He was given his life by you...but he doesn't care~! 

and poor little pokemon prince... crying  alone in despiar

.... You are much better than what he sees~!

 you could make them take bend and knees....~! 

Think of the power a world of your own~!....

where no one alone....will take your throne~! 

Just picture it...a world of what YOU want...~!

 yes my prince this all can be yours~!

...i ask one request to insure...~! 

say you'll agree to and hand welcome soon....the reign of....the 

.....MOON~!" the shadow sang...

Pokemon Prince You Have Forgiven  ( mew two x ash a firstshipping fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now