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I turned around and you're not gonna believe who I saw. Otto. Otto. Fucking. Wood. What the fuck was he doing here. Why would he want to save me from suicide.  I thought he "hated" me. Sometimes I didn't even know with this boy.

"What do you want, Otto?" I Said.

"This is the spot where I come to gather my thoughts and think about life."


"I heard your nana passed away. I'm very sorry for your loss, Angelina."

"How  the hell did you find out?"

"I saw her obituary in the paper."

"You read the paper?"

"No, but today I decided to pick it up and read it and I was extremely shocked ."

"Oh well, thank you for your sympathy," I said, but I better get going.

Once I got home, I was frustrated. Frustrated with Otto, frustrated with my life. All I wanted to do was die peacefully and not have any disruptions. I was beyond pissed.

I sat in the dining room and talked with my papa over some lasagna that the neighbors brought over.

After we were done eating, I went up and showered, Becky let's face it, I looked like shit. I have been crying nonstop the past week and my eyes have very very dark circles under my eyes.

I got into bed, even though it was only 6:00, and got on my phone. I checked Instagram and twitter, but nothing entertaining was happy on there. I started looking though my camel roll, and found the very first photo I've even taken on my phone. It was a picture of my nana and I at the beach. I had my papa take the photo of us standing in the tide.

Tears formed in my eyes and I broke down in tears for what seems like an infinite time of just laying in bed  and crying, I decided to call Awsten. He didn't know anything that went on with Otto today, and it planned to stay like that.

I invited Awsten over, and as soon as he walked into my bedroom, I suddenly started crying again and broke down in his arms. After I done crying- AGAIN- my papa came up and offered us a plate of cookies that one of my nanas friends made us. My papa also brought us some French vanilla coffee, Becky he knew it was my favourite.

Awsten ended up staying the night, and I was grateful, because I really needed someone to listen to all my thoughts and feelings. I don't care if he have me advice or not, just as long as he was there to listen.

Dream Boy - Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now