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I was laying in bed one evening, and I keep getting texts from Otto. I just ignored him, because, obviously he was saying shot about Angelina. Why didn't I block his number?  Because I didnt want  Angelina to be in harm.  He hates Angelina so much,  and some of the stuff  he was saying about her was horrible.

Here are some of the messages between Otto and I-

Otto-  Angelina is a whore
Otto-  I hope she still kills her self
Otto- her nana deserved to die

Awsten- stop, just stop. When are you gonna realise that you're just being a childish.  If you keep this up, I'm gonna call the cops, and believe me, it won't be pretty.

Otto- trust me, one day, I'm gonna find you and kill you

Dream Boy - Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now