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I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze—but I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time."

Forrest Gump (1994)


"Quando ho finito, temo che non rimarrà più nulla da scambiare."

(When I'm finished I'm afraid there won't be anything left to trade.)

Lucian studied Sebastian for a beat, finally, his stance loosened and he gave me a sadistic smirk before nodding.

I took in his stunning features.

"How could someone so beautiful be so ugly on the inside?" I found myself thinking.

My mother always told me that looks could be deceiving. Now I knew what she meant.

The reason beauty is deceiving is because human beings are naturally drawn to it. Our minds have a hard time accepting that something our eyes find appealing can actually be dangerous. On the other hand, things that do not possess beauty on the outside often get mistaken for evil and ruthless.

Sometimes we tend to forget that the only kind of beauty that matters is that on the inside, which cannot be seen, or touched, or lost, but can only be felt.

"Very well, I'll leave. It seems you are preoccupied at the moment." He chuckled. "Enjoy." He gave Sebastian a wink before finally leaving.

My lip curled back in disgust.

Sebastian's back was to me. I could see that his whole body was stiff. His hands were curled into fists.

Neither one of us spoke. The silence was heavy, suffocating.

"Thank you." I finally managed to whisper.

He spun around quickly, obviously taken aback. His eyes were wild when he looked at me. "Why are you thanking me, bella?"

"Because you saved me," I told him earnestly. "If you hadn't come on time Lucian would have. . ." I trailed off not wanting to finish the sentence.

Sebastian's eyes hardened, and his jaw clenched. He ran his hand over his mouth.

He walked towards me slowly, cautiously. He stopped when his chest was brushing against mine. I had to tilt my head up to look at him. "Are you not going to ask me what I said to him to make him leave?" His voice was quiet.

"What did you say to him?" I breathed.

His eyes darkened. "I said vile things. I told him that I planned on hurting you."

His finger came up to caress my cheek with a gentleness that a man like him shouldn't be capable of possessing.

"But you need to understand, mia cara, I did not mean those things." He sighed and closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them they were soft. "In this world, men like me cannot show kindness, it is often mistaken as a sign of weakness. Lucian isn't like me, if he knew you were living in my house, if he knew that you weren't nothing to me, he would destroy you just to torment me. I could never live with myself if that happened."

He breathed deeply. "I needed to protect you from him, Lucian is dangerous and powerful. People here follow his command. You need to stay away from him at all costs."

I swallowed. "Who is he exactly?"

He swallowed. "Lucian is next in line by blood to lead this family. Second only to the current Don."

"And who is the current Don." I whispered.

Sebastian's hands clenched into fists. "Someone I pray you never cross paths with. Everyone calls him, il Demonio, the Devil. He is a monster, the worst kind." He spat the words out.

"Why do you work with these people? You clearly despise them." I finally managed to choke out.

He squeezed his eyes shut as if he was in physical pain. "Because I do not have a choice. I am bound by my blood. I was born in this hellhole and I can never leave."

I stepped away from him because I felt overwhelmed but he misinterpreted my actions.

His eyes were sad. "Do you hate me, angelo?"

"No, of course not," I told him truthfully. "This is the second time you have saved my life. How can I hate you for it?" I gave him a gentle smile. "Sometimes I just forget who you are and where you are from, you make it so easy to forget," I murmured.

I heard his sharp intake of breath.

"I'll tell you a little secret," I whispered.

He looked at me expectantly.

"My mother was originally from Italy." I told him and he frowned in confusion.

"Conosco l'italiano. (I know Italian)" I continued and his eyes widened in shock. "I'm not very fluent at speaking but I can understand it perfectly."

He seemed to be at a loss for words.

"You mean, you understood when I was talking to Lucian?" He finally asked.

I nodded. "Every word."

His gaze turned intense. "Then why did you ask me what I'd said?"

I shrugged. "I wanted to see if you'd tell me the truth."

"If you understood what I had said why are you still here? Why are you not leaving? Why are you not running from me? How could you possibly stand to look at me?" His was raw. He turned away from me.

I placed a gentle hand on his arm, he stiffened but didn't push me away.

"Because I'm not a fool," I told him softly. "I knew that you said those things to protect me. Ever since I've met you you've been nothing but kind to me. You've protected me and helped me. You've had plenty of time and opportunity yet you have never once touched me without consent or done anything to make me uncomfortable."

I looked at him intently. "What I'm trying to say is that you have my trust, Sebastian."

His eyes met mine and he smiled making my heart flutter like it mostly did when he was around. He tugged at a strand of my hair lightly before tucking it behind my ear. "This is the first time you've spoken my name, bella." He murmured.

His pupils dilated as his head inclined towards mine the tip of his nose brushed against my cheek.

My breath hitched.

Suddenly he stepped away from me, his smile falling.

"This world I live in Angelica, it is dark. It tends to diminish any ray of light it finds. I don't want you to be dragged into this darkness. I never had a choice, but you do. You can leave." His voice wavered. His gaze was trained on the floor.

"Do you want me to leave?" I questioned softly.

When he lifted his head to look at me his expression was that of a tortured man.

"Do you want me to leave, Sebastian?" I asked again, my voice louder.

There was a beat of silence.

"No." His voice was hoarse when he responded.

The simple word singed my soul. I felt like had been burned.

I exhaled. I hadn't even realized that I'd been holding my breath.

"If you don't want me to leave then I won't," I murmured.

I looked at the devastating man standing in front of me.

A tortured soul.

A beautiful tragedy.

"I don't think I can ever want you to leave." He choked out the words as if they were causing him pain.

Then maybe I won't.

Even if it destroys me in the end.

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