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Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it." -Albus Dumbledore


A morning walk in the woods surrounding Sebastian's house had become a regular routine. The air was cold and fresh. It was a good time to think.

I hadn't talked to Sebastian since yesterday. Since he'd taken me with him and Warren to that warehouse.

The moment we'd gotten home I had practically run to my room. I had sensed that Sebastian had wanted to talk but I had no idea what to say to him. Not after what I'd seen.

I'd seen him kill people.

He'd taken lives so easily, without a second thought.

I was troubled.

Not because I had seen the man I had feelings for murder in cold blood but because I wasn't as bothered by it as I should have been.

What was wrong with me?

Had my feelings for him blurred my sense of right and wrong?

I sighed and finally took notice of my surroundings.

It dawned upon me that I had been so preoccupied with my thoughts that I hadn't even realized that I'd drifted further away from the house than I usually did.

I was just about to turn back when I suddenly felt a light pressure on my neck. I didn't even have time to react when a cloth was pressed to my face.

Everything faded into blackness.


The minute I woke up I knew something wasn't right.

All I could see was darkness and when I tried to scream it came out muffled.

Something covered my eyes and there was a gag over my mouth. My hands and feet were tied together at the wrists and ankles.

The floor beneath me hummed and vibrated and took me a moment to realize that I was in the back of a moving vehicle, most likely a van considering the space.

My heart thudded wildly in my chest as dread made my insides tighten.

The vehicle suddenly lurched to a stop. I heard the door open. A hand grabbed my bound ankles and dragged me forward. I tried to struggle, twisting and bucking, but it was of no use. Whoever my captor was they were strong.

I felt myself being hoisted over someone's shoulder, I tried to scream but the dammed gag muffled the sound again.

They carried me for a while, and another door unlocked. My body was suddenly dumped on what felt like a wooden chair.

Something cold and metal pressed against my temple. My heart stilled when I realized it was actually the barrel of a gun.

"If you move. I will kill you." A raspy voice hissed in my ear. It belonged to a man.

My chest tightened in fear. I nodded.

He untied my hands first but they didn't stay free for long, he swiftly tied them to the arms of the chair. He did the same with my feet, tightly securing them to the chair as well.

The blindfold was yanked down from my eyes. I blinked a few times, my eyes getting used to the sudden brightness.

My gaze finally focused on the man.

He was huge and he had on a black hoodie with the hood drawn over his head, he wore a black ski mask under the hood, completely concealing his face.

I took in my surroundings. The room was dark, with only one small window which had metal bars. The door was at the opposite end of the room.

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