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The car's engine thrummed beneath me.

My shoulders were slumped in defeat and the feeling of complete and utter despair consumed all of my senses.

Lucian drove the car while Sebastian sat beside me in the backseat.

Sebastian had woken me up before dawn, telling me softly that it was time to go. I had only managed to get an hour of restless sleep.

Whatever I did, I couldn't get rid of the excruciating ache in my chest.

This was it.

I was leaving.

I would never see Sebastian again.

I tried to draw comfort from the fact that I was reuniting with my father, but the truth was that every memory I had with him was blurred and hazy, and my emotions hadn't caught up with my memories yet. Even though I knew that my father had loved me and he had been a good father before my mother left him, he still felt like a stranger because of my amnesia.

Sebastian on the other hand was the person who had come to mean everything to me. He was part of my present. I remembered every moment I spent with him. Every minute I spent with him had been one of the best moments of my life.

I gazed out the car's window looking at the sky starting to fill up with pink and orange streaks as the sun rose.

"We're here." Lucian's voice made me jolt in panic.

My chest tightened and every breath became excruciatingly difficult.

I could see what looked like an abandoned construction site maybe over five hundred yards away from us. From the distance, I could make out a line of black SUVs approaching the site from the other direction. The cars lined up one after the other, there were fifteen cars in total. I could just make out Alberto getting out of the first car a tall middle-aged man with graying hair stepped out after him.

I sucked in a breath at the sight of him.

My father.

Carlos Vitale.

Slowly my father and Alberto opened the doors of the other cars and men started piling out. There were more than thirty men, all of them had their hands bound behind their backs.

Alfonsi men.

The men my father was returning as part of the deal.

"Why have you stopped so far away?" Sebastian's voice was stiff.

"It's safer from here. We can't be sure it's not a trap." Lucian spoke through clenched teeth. The hatred was evident in his voice as he eyed my father.

I sighed softly as I unlocked the door and stepped out of the car. Sebastian stepped out from the other side and Lucian got out after him the scowl on his face didn't waver.

Sebastian's eyes focused on the construction site where my father and all the men were currently gathered. My father hadn't spotted us yet. His back was to us.

Sebastian's eyes narrowed and his eyes flashed towards Lucian. "Where is uncle? He was supposed to be here when Carlos Vitale arrived. He was supposed to confirm that the bargain was kept from Vitale's side and all of our men were present."

Lucian's lips thinned. "Uncle didn't want to be a part of a dirty deal you made with the man who murdered our family."

My mind drifted to what Sebastian had told me earlier.

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