Dinner With The Kleins

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                                                            The Klein Family sits down for a meal

"Bread bread bread bread bread bread." Says Mr. Klein.

"Bread... bread bread?" Mrs. Klein asks.

"Bread. Bread bread bread bread bread." Mr. Klein says.

"Bread bread. Bread? Bread? Bread bread bread bread bread bread?" Sofia asks. 

"Bread." Mr Klein says.

"Bread bread bread bread bread bread." Mrs Klein adds.

"Bread... Bread bread bread bread bread bread bread..." Sofia began.

"Bread bread bread bread bread bread." Her mother says cheerfully.

"Bread, bread bread bread bread bread bread bread." Sofia says looking down at her bread. She hasn't touched it since she got here. She took a long pause and then it all spilled out. "Bread bread!"

A knife dropped to the floor.

"Bread bread bread bread bread bread bread..." Murmured her dad.

"Bread bread bread bread bread BREAD bread!" Sofia yelled with a surprising burst of anger. Mr. Klein stood up immediately. He would not leave it at this.


There was no going back now."Bread bread bread bread!?!?!?" Sofia said. There was a pause. She waited for this to sink into her father.

"Bread bread..." Her father said surprisingly calm.

"Bread bread bagel bread..." Sofia said. She lit the fuse again.

"BREAD BREAD BREAD BREAD BREAD!!!" He yelled furiously. He threw his bread at her. It missed and hit the bread painting he made.

"Bread bread..." Sofia said. She took her Jacket and walked out of the house. The door closed.

Mr. Klein's face was red with anger. He was breathing heavily. A tear fell on his plate. 2. 3. He sat down and looked at his plate. His face was buried in his hands as he cried nonstop. Mrs. Klein patted him on the back to comfort him. "Bread bread!" It circled Mr. Klein's mind. "Bread bread... Bread bread..."

                                                                              To be continued...

The Klein FamilyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang