Not with This Attitude

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Starting from the next day, Haejoo would stop responding to Seokjin's words and ignore him all the damn time.

"Haejoo-ah, I'm gonna come back in the afternoon, okay?"

Haejoo is still in her room and doesn't say anything back to him.

"I'm going..!"

Seokjin goes downstairs to his shop and leaves her alone as always. Then, Haejoo slowly opens the door and peaks at the stairs. The moment she realizes he's gone, she starts to make herself some food and have it.

At about 11:30 am, Haejoo takes a shower, dresses up warmly and puts her short black hair into a tiny messy bun to go out. She walks down the stairs.

"Huh? Haejoo, are you going somewhere?"

Seokjin walks to her and smiles. However, she just takes a quick glance at him and rushes outside. He sighs and watches her back as she leaves.

'Where is she going all of a sudden..?'

he says in his mind.

It's 3:00 pm now, but Haejoo hasn't come back yet. Seokjin gets worried and calls her but she keeps hanging up his calls.

"Hhh.., Han Haejoo, where are you?"

7:00 pm, and she still hasn't come back. This time, Seokjin closes his food shop early as there's less customers than the day before and goes upstairs to make delicious dinner for Haejoo.

"She likes the spaghetti I make. Hehe."

He plays soothing music and starts cooking spaghetti, a.k.a his best dish, for her.

After serving it on a plate carefully and neatly, he sits down at the dining table and smiles, imagining her reaction when she comes back.

*a noise from downstairs*


As Seokjin runs to the stairs, he sees Haejoo slowly walking up and looking up at him.

"Haejoo, quick! I made your favourite dish!"

She frowns, continues to walk up the stairs and passes him by. She does look at the spaghetti for a second but goes straight into her room, locking the door.


He tries knocking on her door but there's no sign of her wanting to come out. He leans on the door and sighs.

"I will cover it with a lid. Come out and eat anytime you want, okay?"

He does as he says and sits down in the living-room to watch TV for a while.

Although he's watching his favourite TV show, he can't focus on it. Haejoo is all over his mind and he keeps sighing minute by minute.

"What the actual heck is wrong with her though..?"

*door opens*

Haejoo walks out with a cigarette between her fingers.


She sits down on the chair near the window, smokes the cigarette and stares outside.

"Haejoo-ah, this is not healthy. Come have your dinner, will you?"

She doesn't even take a look at him at all. Seokjin is getting a bit angry but he's trying to bluff it off by sighing. At the end, he gives up and just goes into his bedroom. However, he doesn't sleep, waiting for Haejoo to make a move, though he turned off the light in his room.

Despite the fact that Seokjin has work in the morning and he's feeling extremely sleepy, he continues waiting for Haejoo to go into her room or just...move. Soon, he hears her footsteps, the sound of her switching the lights off and going into her room. It's already 3 am. He finally sighs and goes to bed.

The next day, when he wakes up, he sees his dish still there on the table, still covered with the lid.

"She didn't eat this, huh..."

So, he throws away the cold spaghetti, washes the plate and goes downstairs.

That whole process didn't stop there. It goes on for the next three days. The same things happen. Seokjin would work as usual and Haejoo would go out in the afternoon without telling him a thing and come back only at night, looking dull as always. He would always make dinner for her, only to see them untouched until the next morning.

The day Haejoo yelled at him is the last day he heard her speaking. She literally stopped smiling and speaking, which made Seokjin so frustrated and annoyed but worried at the same time. Well, he should be... The sweet and kind girl he used to know has completely changed into an opposite person. At last, he decided to do something to fix all this and find the answer.

On the fourth day, Seokjin goes to work as usual but doesn't come upstairs during his lunch-break and only comes back in the evening. Well, the same as the previous days, Haejoo hasn't come back yet.

At about 9:00 pm,

*footsteps coming up the stairs*

Haejoo tries to go to her room but Seokjin stops her by blocking her way, standing right in front of her door. She looks at him and frowns.

"Fuck off..."


She, then, raises her eyebrow.

"Then, I'll sleep outside."

The moment she turns back, he holds her left wrist and of course, she tries to shake it off.

"Don't touch me..!"

Seokjin doesn't listen to her anymore.


She turns to him again and tries to pull his hand away from her. However, he manages to grab her right wrist which makes her angrier.


Seokjin stares at her without saying a thing and holds her hands really firmly. Haejoo begins shaking her arms attempting to escape from his grip but he's too strong for her.


She starts squealing and moving more wildly, still trying her best to make him let go of her hands.

The next thing she does shocks Seokjin.

"Kim Seokjin, please..."

When he looks at her face carefully, she has tears on her cheeks and her face seems so white and pale because of fear.

"Han Haejoo..."

Haejoo is so tired and starts to panick, looking completely like a person who is terribly terrified in a dangerous situation.

"Kim Seokjin, please...., let me go... I hate this. Please, not again. I HATE THIS."

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