The Lost Part

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Haejoo turns off her phone as she puts it on her belly and stares at the ceiling.

"Han Haejoo-ssi"

The nurse comes in and her thoughts are distracted.

"We will have to check up on you a bit."

"Oh, okay..."

From that time on, she spends her time at the hospital for her full recovery. She does a lot of physical exercises so that her muscles work properly again. She also has to go through some psychological tests weekly to regain her memories completely.

She has given up trying to remember everything and only focuses on her own by putting all of herself to get better and better day by day. Plus, she has her father's full support.

One day at her hospital room,



"Umm, can I go out now?"

Haejoo's father chuckles at her.

"I see that you really want to go out but sweetie, it has only been a month since you woke up from your coma. I know that you can walk and function quite well now, but I still don't feel safe to be honest..."

She just nods slowly.

"I see..."

"What? Do you have somewhere you wanna go? I can drive you there."

Her eyes sparkle up.


"Really. Where do you want to go?"

"Ahh.., I'll tell you the direction on the way. Just...let me get changed."

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

Haejoo will be discharged from the hospital next week, but she just can't hold her desire to go out anymore. Plus, her main curiosity of the destination is forcing her.

After a few minutes, she walks out of the room, meets her dad and goes to his car for a drive. On the way, Haejoo actually tells him exactly where she wants to go - Seokjin's restaurant.



"Why do you wanna go there again?"

She's confused.

"What do you mean 'again'?"


"Dad, wait, you said you sent me to the hospital from my own bedroom at our house."

She blinks fast.

"But I also went to Seokjin, too. Do you know about that?"

"What're you talking about? You were in the hospital since that time and you were in coma."

She is highly puzzled again.

"Just get me there, then..."

"Why though? Do you miss him?"

She can't reply to his words as she suddenly feels something heavy in her chest.

"I think I do..."

Her dad sighs and he continues driving to the destination. It's awkwardly silent in the car all the way.

Finally, they arrive at the restaurant.


Haejoo runs out of the car and stands in front of a very old building that even looks like no one is living there anymore.

"What the heck?"

There's no restaurant. There's no sign of Seokjin. Not even a single person.

"Dad? What happened to this place during my absence?"

Walking to his daughter, he has his head down and looks up at her gradually.

"It was close a long time ago. I think you forgot about it."

She gets shocked and holds his arms so that she doesn't lose balance and fall off.


"Haejoo-ah, it had been close for three years now."

She looks at him.

"Dad, that was when he and I...broke up..."


She holds her head with her palms and feels more frustrated than before.

"So, what was all that..?"


She looks at the building again and sighs.

"Dad, I think there's something that my brain still can't remind me of. There's a part of my memory still lost in the deepest part."

"I think yes, dear."

"What? Do you know about that?"

"Based on what you're saying now, it's obvious that you're forgetting something."

"Ugh, I don't know. Let's just go back now. I'm not feeling good anymore."

So, they head back to the hospital.

A week later, Haejoo is finally discharged from the hospital and gets to rest at her home.

As she walks into her room, she looks around and sees that everything is neat and tidy and still in place. There's no mess in there like there was on that terrible night. Everything is back to normal.

She, then, lies on her bed and puts on some soothing music on her phone.

"Take some rest, Haejoo-ah. I'll be right outside, so call me anytime, okay?"

"Okay, dad..."

She turns to her right, shoving her right elbow under her pillow and stares blankly at the wall.

Several words start to run in her mind,

'What is it I'm missing out..?'

'And what was all that? I went to Seokjin. I lived with him. He made me open up about that shit. He promised me that he would show me how to love again. We made love. Lastly, I did fall for him again for the second time...'

'And I woke up...and everything is wrong. Dad said that he saw me unconscious in my room and sent me right to the hospital. So, when did Seokjin come in..? When? How? UGH.'

Haejoo sits on the bed and closes her eyes in frustration.

'He even said he would accept me again. Everything was real.....until I opened my eyes. Wait no, that could not be a dream. No. Everything felt so real. I can still feel his touch on my face, my hands and my body. I still remember the sweet taste of his beautiful lips on mine. I even feel like I can still feel his breath. No...., everything was real...'

Finally, she lets out her actual voice saying,




Panic attacks begin to hit her all of a sudden.


Her father rushes inside.



"Haejoo-ah! Put yourself together!"

Tears burst out of her eyes.


He wraps his arms around her, trying his best to calm her down.

"I think I remember now... Dad... Now, I know what I have missed out."

Haejoo's brain reminded her of the professor's words that say,

'Coma patients don't forget everything that happened in the past, but sometimes, they can completely forget about the traumatic experiences or moments that took place somewhere in their lives.'

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