"It's strange it's been hell but so busy, it's like now it's gone what now"? "Positivity"? Gillian and Ben chatted as they got a drink in the service station. "Yeah I guess" said Gillian "but the lad's gone now I wouldn't tell him because he'd probably stay if he knew but it's gonna be terrible without him" "You don't give yourself credit though" insisted Ben."What do you mean"? Asked Gillian."Well you've sorted Sam out he is so confident now and it's all down to you when I've not been here" said Ben "and the girls well don't mean this in a bad way but Cody could have gone off the rails with everything that happened and you pulled her back from the edge before it was too late""You're too nice" insisted Gillian. "Like all times ay?" insisted Ben."Yeah I suppose" said Gillian the pair shared a kiss. Gillian quickly reacted. "No" she said "we can't." "Gillian" said Ben "I'm sorry" the pair had more to worry about though as they noticed Cody had seen the full thing. "Cody" said Gillian. Cody stormed off. Gillian quickly followed her. After managing to catch up with her daughter, Cody and Gillian stood still in the service station as Gillian tried to explain herself before Megan and Sam suspected anything."It's the stuff of fairytales" said Cody "but he left us I would want nothing other than to see you two back together but he's got a kid to someone else and he done the dirty on you mum this is so messed up." "We're not getting back together" said a firm Gillian "what you just witnessed was nothing""You still love him though mum don't you"? Insisted Cody. "Yeah" said Gillian "if you want the truth, yeah I look at him all the time like today and think nothing's changed but it has, maybe not in here but on the outside it has, I would love us to get back together but we can't it just wouldn't be fair too many people would be hurt" there was silence. "Come here" said Gillian hugging her daughter "I know it's difficult but like I said things are about to get better.""What if you did get back together? You know my view on it how I reacted to seeing you then, shock and concern but it is a genuine question" insisted Cody "something to consider." "Let's not go there it's nothing something to consider" insisted Gillian "we have to move on I would rather we didn't discuss this we have to forget it." "You are unbelievable.""No I'm being serious." "Well so am I not even if I wanted to" It was a couple of hours later and the family had not long got home. After coming in for a cup of tea Gillian and Ben were having a private conversation. "We are great together" insisted Ben."We were great together" said Gillian "before you went off with another woman and had a kid to her.""You don't half hold grudges you" protested Ben. "I don't" said Gillian "it's just I've got respect you left me got with someone else and now you want to leave that woman and come back to me you are so selfish." "But things change" protested Ben "it's all about fate look what's happened? Max is gone Megan's still recovering both the girls are going into their final year of school Sam is going into year 8.""And doing extremely well" interrupted Gillian "he was doing well when you wasn't here as for the girls I've always had their back when you left nothing changed they still had me they didn't miss out." "You can't just pick and choose and walk into people's lives when you feel like it" continued Gillian "anyway I think we've said enough for tonight you've got a girlfriend and a baby to get back to." "Yeah would be ace like but it's a bad idea best not happening" It was the next day and mouth on legs Cody was gossiping on facetime to Max. "You just can't go back to the way things were" said Cody "everything changes you can't' dwell on the past.""Cody get down here now"!!!! Screamed a voice. "Got to go bro see you later" said Cody ending the call."What did I tell you the other day, strictly nothing about what happened and you're there gossiping to your brother there is nothing to talk about your dad and I are not getting back together so why are you stirring it"? Gillian had heard the conversation with Cody and Max and was furious. "I'm not" protested Cody "we were just talking I was saying you wasn't getting back together and maybe it was for the best" "You know what I mean" said Gillian "you're making a big deal out of nothing it shouldn't even be discussed Max isn't here he may get the wrong end of the stick""Codes you're not stupid you knew what you were doing just showing off to Max you don't know what went on with Mum and Dad but Mum has said its nothing so you should have kept it shut" Cody and Megan were upstairs chatting. "I know" said Cody "but I wasn't being nasty I was just talking to my brother its family why shouldn't he know"?"Because this family has had enough drama as it is" said Megan "we start year 11 soon it's going to be Of Mice and Men and Algebra you won't have time to gossip that will be the only source of information you will be digesting. " "How are you anyway"? Asked Cody changing the subject."Sound" replied Megan "I may be off the crutches come November I could be walking properly that's the aim to walk into the prom at the end of the year.""I know what you mean" said Cody "we just need to focus now let's not dwell on things that are either irrelevant or won't happen". "Come on then girls, first day the beginning of the end now final year in school" It was about two weeks later and Gillian had woke the girls up for school. "Have you heard from Max"?"Yeah he text me yesterday.""He hardly bothers these days""Maybe because he's having so much fun and he does contact us every day but he's so busy enjoying himself working" The girls were commenting about how Max had been quite distant from them lately. Even when they facetimed him he seemed in a hurry to go. "He's got all these friends" smiled Gillian "he tells me all sorts of stories about them they go out all the time""I'd like to go to Uni" said Megan "I really hope I can do A levels next year" "Well you need your GCSE's first" laughed Gillian "and you won't get them if you don't get a move on so hurry up you have to leave soon" "Long time no see well not long before we won't be saying that anymore." "I know" The girls were chatting as they walked to school. "You know I was thinking" remarked Megan."Yeah"? Replied Cody. "We could have been getting a professional contract at Man United this year if things would have been different" remarked Megan."Megan don't go down that road again" said Cody "it bores me we're at school about to hopefully progress onto college A levels you can't have everything.""I know" said Megan "I mean since the injury it did erase from my mind I realised how lucky I was to have had the best support during the recovery things could have been so much different but I think it's starting to come back because we are nearly 16 so you think what if"?"What if nothing" said Cody "it's gone its yesterday's chip paper if you want the brutal truth I could have been in a young offenders institution charged with drug offences I sorted myself out.""What this weekend"?"Yep and he's bringing home someone else he's got a girlfriend.""No way"! It was after school and Gillian was informing the girls and Sam that Max was coming home for the weekend but he wasn't alone he was bringing his girlfriend to meet the family. "He just doesn't seem the type to have one" laughed Cody "he's never really been interested.""You don't have to be interested" smiled Gillian "it just happens its fate.""Yeah I know I've been a bit off and I don't mean to it's just timing and that so much has changed since I got here" It was about 40 minutes later and Cody and Megan were sat upstairs together facetiming Max. "And you kept that quiet" laughed Megan "why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend"?"Well cos you know I don't know well you know now" laughed Max "and you're gonna meet her at the weekend"! "What if she's a stuck up cow"? "And what gives you that impression"? "You know just saying girls can be like that sometimes." "And do you think she'd be seeing our Max if she was? Max is one of the nicest lads you'll ever meet" It wasn't long after they had finished talking to Max and the girls were sat on the bed in the bedroom chatting. " We've never had time for lads have we"? Laughed Cody."I wouldn't say that" said Megan "I just don't want one never crossed my mind.""Ha well with us being twins if one of them upset you or me they'd have the other sister to deal with"? Laughed Cody. "True" laughed Megan."Mum this is Taylor" It was a couple of days later and Max was at the doorstep with his girlfriend. "Aw come in" laughed Gillian "oh I've missed you make yourself at home Taylor". "These are my sisters Cody and Megan and my brother Sam" introduced Max."Is she quiet"? She's hardly said a word" It was about half an hour later and Taylor had gone to the toilet so Gillian had quickly added in her views. "Yeah I suppose" said a nervous Max "it's nerve wrecking for her as well." "So fingers crossed ay Meg you'll be walking unaided soon.""Yeah Max was telling me all about your injury wasn't you thrown off the team"?The conversation was ongoing and Megan was taken back by Taylor's awkward question. She thought it was quite rude. "No I wasn't thrown off" said Megan "I was released." "Same with me" Said Cody. "So you're still at school"? Insisted Taylor."Yeah final year" Said Cody "and then its six form hopefully". Everything went silent again. "I don't like her one bit why do I wanna punch her every time I look at her?""Yeah" It was a couple of hours later and the girls were sharing their views on Taylor in a private conversation with Gillian. "She was a bit quiet but inappropriate then" said Gillian "it was like one extreme to another she was coming out with all sorts talking about Autism and special needs and education and I did feel a bit you know you're not very nice." "We were not kicked off the team as well" said an angry Megan "I doubt Max told her that.""It's just how she interpreted it" insisted Gillian "listen I don't like saying who you date in fact I can't control you but if she makes Max happy she makes him happy and that's all that matters". "Tea's ready" It wasn't long after and Gillian had cooked a curry for everyone it was one of her best dishes and she had made it especially for Max coming home with Taylor. "So Taylor where is it you're from"? "Leeds." "Oh I know that place well do you watch the rugby team."? "Nah it's a load of rubbish" Gillian was trying to make conversation with Taylor. "Taylor's dad actually has a season ticket for Leeds United" said Max."oo won't go down well here" laughed Gillian "we are all Man United fans." "I'm not a football fan" insisted Taylor. "Yeah well I suppose it's not for everyone" insisted Gillian."We are gonna go the pictures tomorrow to watch the Beatles movie Yesterday you're more than welcome to come.""Nah you're alright but thanks anyway". "I've missed you, you do know that don't you."?"Yeah." Taylor was on the phone to her mum so had gone off so it was the siblings together again. "What is up with you"? Asked Max to Cody "you've been off since I got back.""Max she's not very nice" insisted Cody "I'm not just saying that but she isn't a nice person.""What on earth are you going on about"? Asked an angry Max. "She was off with all of us before" insisted Cody."She was shy" protested Max "she was just meeting the family what did you expect"? "It was the tone of her voice the way she was talking" chipped in Megan "we don't like her Max it's as simple as that.""What so you're making a judgement first time of meeting?" said Max "that's appalling." "It's not like that"? Said Megan "look mum will back me up you look uncomfortable when you're with her are you really happy"? "I can't believe you would ask me that" said Max "of course I'm happy." "Why is she on the phone that long"? Asked Megan "don't' you think that's dodgy"? "She rings her mum every night" protested Max "her mum even rings her she sits on the phone while I'm with her she just wants a bit of privacy." "What's all this about"? Asked Gillian walking into the living room. "Apparently Taylor's no good for me" insisted Max Gillian hesitated. "Mum she's a cow" insisted Cody "go on tell him.""I'm staying out of this" snapped Gillian."You not gonna defend her?" insisted Max Gillian said nothing but her face said it all. "You're the same aren't you"? Insisted Max."Luv she's a bit rude" admitted Gillian "it doesn't mean anything I'm not jumping to conclusions but our first meeting with her she has been off.""I don't believe this" moaned Max. Taylor walked back into the house. "You alright"? Asked Max."Yeah I'm fine" insisted a dull Taylor. "You can't interfere in your brother's relationship we can have an opinion but there is nothing we can do if he wants to go out with her" It was the next night and Max and Taylor had gone to the cinema so Gillian was trying to get through to the girls. "I know but I just don't want him to get hurt" insisted Megan."I know luv" said Gillian "but you're brother's happy, he had a difficult year with us all and now he's out spreading his wings you've just got to let him live." "But at what cost?" insisted Cody "yeah he's happy but for how long? What if she hurts him"? "Look she's a bit awkward but that is no reason to suggest she's going to hurt him" insisted Gillian "I know he's your brother but we are jumping to conclusions there is nothing we can do we have to sit back and see how this pans out". "Are you on your own"?"Don't give me another lecture please sis.""I'm not I just want to speak to you properly" It was a couple of days later and Cody was doing her usual facetime to Max who was now back at Oxford. "I don't want to fall out with you" said Max "I get it you don't like Taylor but what am I supposed to do? I want to be with her.""Look I'm sorry" said Cody "who am I to judge you after everything you've done for this family? The brother you've been to us all I should never have interfered.""You were just looking out for me" smiled Max "we don't always agree but I know you're only looking out for me but I want you to know I'm happy." "Got it all off your chest then"? Not long after they had hung up Megan walked into the room. "Yeah" said Cody "not the villains here I just wish it would look that way.""I know" said Megan "but we can only do our best." "Right Megan I am going to be with you every step of the way I know this is difficult". It was the next day and Megan was at another physiotherapy trying to walk without her crutches. "Take your time luv" said Gillian "and don't panic you're on the mend" Cody and Gillian sat nervously watching Megan. They both had gone into the room with her today as she was nervous it was a big milestone for her. "Well done" smiled the physio as Megan slowly took her steps and increased as she went on. All of a sudden Megan lost her footing and crashed to the floor. As Gillian rushed to help her alongside the physio it was all too much for Megan as she burst into tears. "It happens it doesn't mean you're not recovering it just means it's taking time what did I say when you first started the treatment? You're gonna have good days and bad days." "Luv it's alright" insisted Gillian."I won't be able to walk at the prom" cried Megan."It's not till July" said a caring Gillian. "Have you got your dress yet"? Asked the caring physiotherapist showing interest. "No that's a weekend job" laughed Gillian "we are taking both the girls out shopping one day before Christmas to try dresses on." "The panic ay" laughed the physiotherapist "my daughter's 16 next month in Year 11." "Oh like these two then" smiled Gillian "both last year." "I know what it's like" insisted the physiotherapist "last year of school and it's not helped you everything you've been through but trust me it will get better." "How long"? Asked a worried Megan. "Well you're keeping up with us aren't you? Having the sessions we are taking it day by day" said the physiotherapist "you had a serious injury I know it's difficult but you've got to have trust in yourself you will get there." "You should have seen her poor thing she just looked beaten and you have to sit there and there's nothing you can do for her, her little heart was broken.""Oh god" It was a couple of hours later and Ben had popped round with Grace to see Gillian. "She is getting stronger isn't she"? Asked a caring Grace."Oh yeah" insisted Gillian "the state she was in I look at her now and I think onwards and upwards but you know what she's like it's not good enough for her she wants to recover she wants to walk to prom which it's months away she will but she can't see that" Gillian started to cry. "Sorry" she said. "No it's fine" said a caring Grace. "When it's your kids it's just the worst watching them suffer" cried Gillian. "I know" said a caring Grace "we had the same with Emily when she was at her worst it was like torture you'd do anything to take the pain away but you can't and it's terrible". "You've hardly said a word since we got back what's up"?"Nothing.""No there is.""I don't know what to do" It wasn't long after Ben and Grace had got home. "About what"? Asked Ben. "That poor kid" said Grace."She's going to be alright" insisted Ben "I mean it's terrible but you know what our Megan is like sets herself high targets she wants to do it as quickly as possible" there was silence. "I said I'd take girls and Sam for a pizza on Friday if that's alright"? Said Ben changing the subject. "Of course that's alright" insisted Grace "why wouldn't it be"? "You know" said Ben "I want to spend as much as time possible with them but I don't want you to feel pushed out.""I'm not pushed out" insisted Grace "they're your kids I knew that when we got together I am not gonna get in the way of that I like the girls and Sam and I like Max too but even if I didn't they're your kids." "Dad you're off your head.""It's a true story though" It was a couple of days later and the girls, Sam, and Ben were sat laughing away as they ate tea in Pizza Hut. "This is just amazing" smiled Ben."What"? Asked a confused Cody."Us" smiled Ben "just like old times and Megan I hope you don't mind me saying but that's the most I've seen you laugh in ages""It's never going to change" smiled Megan "family that's all that matters". "I heard about Max" said Ben changing the subject "so he's dumped this Taylor then"? "Oh yeah" said Cody "we didn't like her.""Oh yeah you're mum was saying she was a right one" said Ben."Yeah well Max said they just realised they'd been together for like a month and it just wasn't working out he realised in the end she wasn't the girl for him" explained Megan."We felt guilty" said Cody "because he knew we didn't like her, but he said there was no way it was our fault, they split up he had been doubting himself for a while but just didn't say.""Well there you go then" smiled Ben "you're his sisters so of course you look out for him.""Megan is in stitches what have you done to her"! "It's just me I'm naturally hilarious.""No you're not your just a daft softie" It was a couple of hours later and Gillian had come to pick the girls and Sam up from his house. "Thanks" said Ben ."For what"? Asked Gillian. "Just for letting me spend time with the kids" said Ben"You always see them" insisted Gillian "They just put me in a great mood" smiled Ben "they're just the bright spark and Sam I can't believe him how confident he is getting he was just chatting away but not so long ago he wouldn't have been like that". "Sam's shaped not determined" said Gillian "nothing is impossible to him, his difficulties have shaped his life they haven't prevented him for doing what he wants he's built a life around it". "Luv you alright"?"No I'm not." "It's not right is it"? "What isn't"? Ben had made his way back home to be confronted by Grace. "You still love her don't you"? Insisted Grace."What you going on about"? Asked a confused Ben."Gillian" said Grace. "We've got four kids together so of course we are going to be in contact with each other" protested Ben."I see the way you are with her" said Grace "its true love" there was silence. "Go back to your family" insisted Grace "I won't stop you I'll understand." "Me and Gillian are over" protested Ben. "We're not working Ben" cried Grace there was silence. "You're not even suggesting otherwise that says something" said Grace."I don't know what to say" said Ben. "Are we breaking up?" asked Grace."I don't know" said Ben "if you want the truth I'll always have feelings for Gillian and the other week we got close nothing happened she insisted it didn't but we talked about if we were back together well it was me not Gillian." "I haven't cheated on you" protested Ben."You said you got close what do you mean"? Said Grace."We kissed" admitted Ben. "I knew it" said an angry Grace "so you've been lying.""It was a kiss and a chat" said Ben "not an affair I have not cheated on you nothing happened.""Oh that's fine then" snapped Grace sarcastically "you kiss your ex and I'll be fine with it.""She said it was nothing" protested Ben "it was nothing there was nothing else so why let this get in the way of us? we've got Emily to think about.""Don't you dare" shouted Grace "don't you bring our daughter into this because you're a pathetic excuse of a man this has nothing to do with her" there was silence. "You don't love me anymore" said Grace "it's fine but don't stay here and lie and cheat I'm being a reasonable I'm letting you walk away.""Because you don't love me anymore" said Ben. "It's the wrong phrase to use" said Grace "it doesn't matter what I feel, we are not right for each other so it's irrelevant what I feel we have to face facts.""Why do we have to face facts when nothing has gone on with me and Gillian"? Protested Ben. "But it would have happened if you both wanted each other, if she would have said yeah more would have happened" snapped Grace "and I think deep down she wants you, she just won't admit it because she's a good person, it's little things as well like we spent Christmas me, you, you're children and Gillian and I could see how close you were then it was like it had never gone away, I hid it but it's happened more than once and I've realised am I stopping you from being with the love of your life"? "This is all one big mess" said Ben. "Ben it's over" said Grace "I've known for months we are not right for each other." "FIFA 19 don't just go as Liverpool"! "That's banned in our house"! It was the next day and Ben had purposely not told Gillian him and Grace had split up. He was embarrassed he had popped round to see the kids and that was his main priority. Sam was proudly showing of his new FIFA game he had got as a reward for good school work. "Codes tell your dad what you got in your Science mock" smiled Gillian."A 6" smiled Cody."Educate me what's a six"? Laughed Ben. "Like a high B grade" laughed Cody."They change it every day" laughed Ben."Tell me about it laughed Gillian "the other day I was like it's A, B, C isn't it? And now it's not GCSES are number graded now saying that we did have a similar setup with the old O level system". "How's Emily"? Asked Gillian a shocked Ben hesitated. He hadn't seen her in days. He was staying at a friend's house and was keeping a low profile. "Yeah she's fine" said Ben trying not to make it sound obvious. "Tell Grace to bring her round sometime" said Gillian. "I will" said Ben."Ben everything is ok isn't it?" a curious Gillian had stopped Ben from leaving as he was about to go. "Yeah fine why it wouldn't it be?" insisted Ben."Since I mentioned Emily you haven't said a word" said Gillian "is she ok"?"Yeah she's in remission" said Ben "that won't change for a while but she's doing ok. " "We were together for so long I know everything about you" insisted Gillian. "Me and Grace aren't together anymore "admitted Ben "we've split up." "She said we wasn't working that there was a loss of connection and there was no point hanging onto the relationship" Gillian and Ben had continued chatting. The kids were upstairs they wanted to keep it private. "So it's just fizzled out naturally then"? Said Gillian "I hope she doesn't know about the other week because I told you we are not getting back together.""I'm not gonna lie" admitted Ben "she said she had spotted an element of closeness between me and you and that since Christmas she has seen the bond we have and she feels like she's in the way of true happiness it's like she's give me her blessing to move on." "Do you still love her"? Asked Gillian."No" admitted Ben "not in that way we don't have a connection we've got a kid together but that's it there's no bond there." "Oh dear" said Gillian. "It is for the best we move on though" said Ben "Emily won't suffer she will grow up with a mum and a dad we will keep in contact to ensure Emily's life is as normal as possible." There was silence. "I best be getting back" said Ben."Where you staying"? Asked a concerned Gillian."Ste's" said Ben "he's fine with it he said I can stay for as long as I want I'm earning a decent wage so he's getting rent off me so he won't be complaining.""Put your money away" said Gillian "stay here and the same applies you can stay here for as long as you want but you don't' have to pay". "What about the kids though"? Said Ben "will it be weird for them? We are not getting back together so is it fair on them?" "I'll tell them everything" insisted Gillian "and you're their dad so they will be thrilled having you here and we may not be together but we go a long way back so we will always care about each other". "I don't think it's a big deal we're happy to have you here dad even if you and mum aren't together" It was the next day and over breakfast Gillian was explaining the situation to the kids. "You're mum has kindly let me live here" said Ben "but like I said we may not be together but if we were, we weren't I was living here or I wasn't living here the main priority is you lot and Emily we are going to see you through these next couple of months Year 8 assessments for Sam and GCSES for you girls." "They're getting back together I don't care what they say it's a bit convenient all of a sudden Grace thinks she's stopping dad from being happy". The girls were walking to school talking. "Yeah on this occasion I agree with you" said Megan "I do often tell you to stop speculating and jumping to conclusions but I do think Mum is falling in love with him again.""I personally don't think it makes a difference whether they are together or not" said Cody "he's our dad no matter what.""But he hurt Mum" said Megan "and there's Emily to think about, when she's growing up she won't have her dad around.""Dad would make sure Emily was alright" protested Cody "when he left he didn't stop looking after us, he was always still there for us he's a good dad." "Mum was saying yeah to be honest I'm the same as you, it would be a fairy tale but too much has happened" It was the following night and Cody and Megan were facetiming Max again. "Hey what about you Mr what did you get on your assignment a first"? Smiled Cody."Yeah" smiled Max "how are you doing Meg since the physio and that"?"I'm fine" laughed Megan "what did I tell you? It was a minor setback you just got a first you're at Oxford University and you're still worried about me"! "Is he alright"? The girls had gone downstairs where Ben was sat in the living room. "Fine as usual" smiled Cody "still asking about all of us." "Are you alright Luv"? Asked Ben turning to Megan. "Yeah fine" insisted Megan "just tired." "We're coming to watch you next week Codes" smiled Ben "it's the dance showcase isn't it"? "Yeah" smiled Cody "it gets recorded and Miss might let us use it for our dance exam if it's good enough, don't know why I took it though I prefer it to PE but I'm not that good at it.""Hey you can do anything you want" said Ben "and that applies to you all Megan are you sure you're ok"?"Yeah I'm just tired honestly" insisted Megan. "She's had a busy day haven't you"? Said Cody kindly "coursework due in and she's had physio again yesterday." "A step closer to coming off these crutches" insisted Megan "I'm gonna go and get a drink one sec." "Meg" said a concerned Cody as she stood up "are you ok?""I feel faint" admitted Megan sitting back down shutting her eyes. "Mum"! Screamed Cody "Dad call an ambulance"! "I knew she wasn't alright.""It's just been one thing after another I said she was overdoing it" after being rushed to hospital the family were waiting for news. "It's good news" said the doctor appearing "Megan is dehydrated and exhausted, we've put her on some fluids and she's sleeping it off but she will full make a full recovery" The family breathed a sigh of relief. "The exhaustion couldn't be down to the injury could it"? Asked Gillian "she suffered a serious injury over a year and a half ago she's still recovering a ruptured ACL and a broken back.""I would say typical teenage girl busy life at school recovering from a serious injury it can be a combination of things" said the doctor "I know it's hard to say take it easy at the moment with so much going on but she does seriously need to rest.""Oh luv you gave us such a fright" It was about half an hour later and the family had gone to see Megan. "It's no big deal" said a groggy Megan. "But it is" said Gillian "I know this is the final year of school but you do seriously need to take it easy." "How can I when there's physiotherapy in between work? "Said Megan. "I said Monday night when we got back from physio for you to go to bed" said Gillian "and you were up doing revision""Like I said this isn't for long" said Megan "we've just got to deal with it.""She's a resilient one I'll give her that.""Yeah but at what cost? she's off her head doesn't stop going" It was a couple of hours later and Megan had been given all the clear to go home and had gone to bed. Cody and Sam were in bed too with school being the next day so Ben and Gillian were reflecting on the day's events. "I said its best we don't tell Max till later" said Gillian "if we would have told him earlier he would have been on the first train back I don't want him doing that again." "She's not going in tomorrow surely?" said Ben. "Don't think we've got a choice" said Gillian "she'll want to go in Physio isn't till next week now so thank god there's a break from that". "When I seen her like that it was my life flashed before my eyes" said Ben "it was so scary makes me more determined to be here now for the kids I've been a fool.""You haven't" said Gillian "its life we all make decisions and do things we don't want to do." "Well things are changing now" said Ben Gillian walked over to Ben and hugged him. Ben was a little taken back at first but things were emotional support was vital at this stage. What happened next shocked Ben the most as Gillian kissed him. Without hesitation Ben kissed Gillian back. "It's happening if you're ok with it" smiled Gillian."Are we getting back together"? Smiled Ben."I think we are" smiled Gillian.

Important to me
Teen FictionOn the brink of the first team at Manchester United 14 year old twins Cody and Megan Moore are dreaming of stardom. Meanwhile their 17 year old brother Max is hoping of going to Oxford University and their 11 year old youngest brother Sam is about t...