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Y/n's POV:
It's 4th period, exactly 3 minutes before the bell. suga told me to meet him behind the court after school. qwq I wonder what he needs.

Suga's POV:
I have something really important to tell y/n, but I don't want to ruin our relationship. It's just- everything is confusing for me right now, and I don't know what to do.

After school (no ones POV)

Y/n is waiting for Suga outside, she's excited, but also braving herself for anything.

Sugar oh hey y/n!
Y/n: phn h-hey!
Y/n: was there something you needed?
Suga: oh y-yeah um... How do I start...
Y/n: it's okay you can take your time

Suga: * deep breath*
Y/n: ;-;
Suga: look y/n I think I'm pansexual, or gay. I don't know. I just need time to think about it...

Y/n stay silent for a while. She was not ready for this. This came out of nowhere.

Y/n: h-uh? O-oh! Um okay...?

Suga: I really like you y/n but, it's just that there's... Someone else, and I'm not sure if... If I'm gay or not. It's kinda hard to think because I'm your boyfriend, and I really shouldn't be worrying about this but-

Y/n: is it Daichi
Suga: nani
Y/n: it's Daichi right
Suga: h-how did you
Y/n: you guys have like the biggest gay Aura, it's okay, we can break up. If thats what you wanted...
Suga: wait!.. If u want we can still be-

Y/n: if it's easier for you to work it out then I'm willing to break up with you, if it's what you want..
Suga: y/n...
Y/n: and if you are gay remember I'm your biggest supporter okay!
Suga: y/n wait! Isn't it a full moon today?
Y/n: I'll be fine Suga, you go work things out

Y/n walks away with a shadow in her forehead, she had just broken up with her boyfriend.

There's no where to go, she thinks about talking to Kenma, but her mind tells her she needs sleep.


Y/n lays in her bed, completely miserable, it's not the first time someone broke up with her becuase they were gay. The same thing happened with Rin.

Y/n's stomach starts to ache a bit so she grabs a pillow to hold onto.

5 Minutes later

Suddenly a sharp agonizing pain punches y/n in the stomach, releasing painful sounds a massive ;heat wave; hits her. With no one to cling onto, the bed feels cold.

Kenma's POV:
I'm just in bed, staring at the ceiling, tonight's a fullmoon, so I'm expecting to feel something on my lips, since y/n and Suga will probably kissing. (͡°ʖ̯͡°) Yuck .
Instead of kissing, a sharp pain cuts through my stomach, y/n what is Happening?!.

I can feel everything that is happening, is Suga not there with her? Fucking dumbass. The pain doesn't stop and I get up and grab the keys to y/n's house.

With an unstable walk, constantly making shrieks of pain, I stumble over to y/n's front door...

No one's POV:
Kenma: y/n what the fuck-

Kenma falls through the door, lucky that her parents aren't home,
Holding his stomach Kenma runs upstairs, only to trip over just in front of y/n's door.

Y/n's POV:
I can hear someone at the door, or is it just my imagination?
My stomach hurts so bad, I can feel tears welling up in my eyes.

Kenma's POV:
I feel something wet fall from. My face onto the dark wooden floor. Is y/n crying? It must be hard with this much pain.

I attempt to open the door, but pause for a moment. Will she be able to recognise me? With this amount of pain she's probably scrambled up on her bed.

Y/n's POV:
I can't feel my arms anymore, I'm cold, the blanket has fallen off the side of my bed. The softness of the pillow barely comforts my stomach. Sweat drips of my neck, and I take deep breaths.

My body is sprawled on the bed, it's dark, but the moon lights up my room. I swing side to side on the bed, hoping the pain will go away, moaning in terror.

Kenma's POV:
I fight down the door, the pain getting worse, On the bed I see y/n, shaking, crying, sweating, looking me in the eyes with her beautiful face. Shit.

"A-are you alright?" U step forward, almost collapsing on top of her on the bed. I'm holding back as much pain as possible, making my way to her.

Y/n's POV:
"K-kenma?... Is that you? "
"Yes it's me, I used the spare keys", kenma

My stomach still hurts, but time seems to stop, just for me and Kenma. We stare at each other until another heat wave comes down on me, fucling hell it's worse than being in your period, it's worse than having constipation holy fuck.

" Y/n where's Suga? He should be here to-", Kenma
"Suga..? Suga is..we.. " Y/n
"You know what who the fuck cares, you're in heat right? Here, Let me help you, it hurts me too you know", Kenma lifts my head and gets on the bed with me.

" Huh, it hurts you too? How? "
"It doesn't matter, I'm here now, you can uh- cuddle with me instead", Kenma

The pain slowly softens, and I can feel warmth. I burry my head into Kenma's chest, holding onto him, the pain stops, but only for a moment.

Kenma's  POV:
Y/n unexpectedly hugs me, wiping her tears on my shirt. I lay back, relaxing, because the pain has stopped.

I hug her back, pulling over the blanket. It's warm, she's stopped crying.
"Dis you have a fight with Suga or something? He's not the type of person to just leave you-", Kenma

" We broke up, he's gay for Daichi, I've known for like 3 weeks," y/n

"Oh- another gay one huh... ", Kenma
" You now all the hot guys are either taken or gay", y/n cuddles more with Kenma

"um I'm right here idiot-", Kenma
" Huh?", y/n
"Forget it", Kenma

" Why did you come here?, and how can you feel it too? ", y/n

-change of format-

Kenma: y/n I've wanted to tell you this for a long time... We're soulmates

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