Internal Struggles (Little Yoongi)

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There's always something different about people, but usually it's something easy to deal with. To Min Yoongi that didn't seem to be the case.

Min Yoongi, a famous rapper and producer, has a lot of stress put on him to get his music out. He's not a machine, so of course he gets stressed. He has to deal with it though. Although he deals with it in an unusual way.

He deals with it through the coping mechanism called little space. Little space is when somebody who is stressed goes into the headspace of a child. This usually helps them to relieve their stress. It may sound odd, but to the people who do it, it isn't.

To Min Yoongi, this was his escape, but he was too scared to tell his bandmates. He kept his little headspace to himself. Although he wanted to tell them.

Yoongi was locked in his studio, by himself of course. He kept himself there, so nobody would find out his little secret. He felt anxious about getting his music out, so as usual, he slipped into littlespace in the comfort of his studio; he had plushies everywhere in there. He hugged onto his Kumamon stuffie and he grabbed a pacifier. He smiled as he sucked on the pacifier, playing with the Kumamon.

Jimin, Yoongi's closest bandmate, seemed to be really worried about Yoongi. Yoongi had locked himself in the studio for 3 days at this point, so of course it was normal for Jimin to be worried. Jimin then decided to go get Yoongi and feed him, since he was sure Yoongi hadn't ate while he was there.

Yoongi whined as he lied on the couch, but there was no food in his studio. Just as his stomach growled he heard the office door unlock. He knew that meant Jimin was probably here. Yoongi whimpered and his under his blankets.

Jimin walked into the room, looking around for Yoongi. He eventually spotted the lump of blankets on the couch and he pulled the blankets off of Yoongi.

"Are you okay, Yoongi?" Jimin decided to question the pacifier later. When Yoongi saw Jimin, Yoongi let out little cries. Jimin was only slightly confused by this.

"J-Jiminie!!!" Yoongi stuttered out. He looked up at Jimin and he made grabby hands at Jimin; he wanted to be held and hugged. Jimin hugged the little, and Yoongi crawled into Jimin's lap. It shocked Jimin, but he just held onto him.

"Yoongi, are you okay little one?" by this point, Jimin had caught on. He was talking in a soothing voice.

"Mhm, 'm kay," Yoongi spoke cutely, nuzzling his head into the crook of Jimin's neck. He was cozy while cuddled up to Jimin.

"You're a cute little, aren't you?" Jimin asked in a super cute voice. Yoongi squealed a little and blushed, burying his head further into Jimin's neck.

Jimin smiled, "We're gonna tell everyone, you know that right? I don't want my baby to have to hide anymore." Yoongi slightly nodded.

"I knows buh don't wanna," Yoongi was getting more shy and it was obvious. Yoongi was pouting, but it only made him look cuter.

"Trust me baby, I know they'll accept you!" Jimin said in a soft and caring voice.

"Let's get you home so you can eat, okay?" Jimin rhetorically asked as he picked Yoongi up, along with the Kumamon. He gave Yoongi his pacifier back, and he held Yoongi on his hip. Yoongi sucked on the pacifier and he fell asleep in Jimin's arms.

They eventually got back to the dorm, and the boys seemed to notice that Yoongi and Jimin were back from the studio. Jin, being the mom friend, went to Jimin and Yoongi to check on Yoongi. Yoongi woke up, rubbing his eyes and he looked up at Jin with doe eyes. He smiled at Jin happily and made cute noises.

"Jinnie!" Yoongi cheered. Jin smiled at Yoongi and he took him from Jimin. Jimin didn't mind.

"Don't we have such a cute baby! Aww so cute!" Jin apparently had experience with littles, as his cousin was one. He bounced Yoongi and Yoongi was giggling from the movements.

Eventually Jimin went to tell the other boys, in which they all thought Yoongi was adorable. The night ended in cuddles and babying Yoongi. The night was peaceful and happy.

{735 words}

~ FIN ~

A/N: Thank you for reading my first oneshot of this book. Please request ships and ideas for me to write! I'll update soon.

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