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Felix: Little
Jisung: caregiver
Warning: FLuFf
(No POV)
Felix, being a little behind closed doors other than to Jisung, was really shy usually. He didn't like to go out anywhere when he wasn't with Jisung. Jisung was the only person who knew, and Felix planned on keeping it this way for a while.

Stray Kids had a new comeback coming up really quick. Felix, was obviously on edge, stress taking over his life easily.
Jisung noticed the stress and kept an eye out for Felix. Jisung was hoping they'd get a break soon so Felix could relax.

Stray Kids was called in for a dance practice today. Felix was planning on slipping today, so this news made him upset; they were supposed to have a day off today.

Felix just pretended for as long as he could that he was fine, he didn't want the boys to worry about him. He kept dancing to the music, even when the others were on break. His dance looked perfected, but Felix didn't allow himself to think so. He kept dancing.

{30 minutes later}
Felix continued dancing, no matter how many times he got lightheaded.

"Lixxie, come get some water," Jeongin said, Felix just ignored the younger and kept going. Felix kept going, going, going, but everybody has their limits.

Felix tripped over his own feet, his legs too tired to function as he dropped to the ground fast. The fall and the pain immediately pulled Felix from being big to being so little he couldn't form proper words.

Jisung panicked and ran to Felix speedily. Felix had already began sobbing so much as he couldn't feel anything but pain and being small.

Felix looked up at his caregiver, and he slightly calmed down. But it wasn't enough to make his crying stop worrying the others.

"Lixxie, are you okay?" Chan asked, as the leader, he had to make sure everything was fine.

Felix looked up at Chan with wide, teary eyes, and he looked confused before he cuddled up to Jisung. He crawled onto Jisung's lap and buried his face deep in his chest.

"LixLix, can you tell me if you're okay?" Jisung asked in his caregiver voice, which was soft and gentle, yet stern.

Felix just looked up at Jisung, blinking a lot as he tilted his head like a lost puppy. Jisung assumed that from his last two interactions, Felix had slipped into baby space.

Felix looked around at all the members, whining as he hated that they were all staring at him, so he hid in Jisung's chest again. Felix just looked so tiny right now.

"So either of you two care to explain why Felix isn't talking right now, and he looks like a baby?" Chan asked, a hand on his hip as he looked at Jisung for an explanation.

Jisung knew that Felix didn't want anybody to know, but he didn't have a choice at this point.

"Felix is what you call a little. He regresses to when he was a younger child to get rid of stress. It lets him be carefree and happy," Jisung explained to the confused members. The members eyes widened in understanding now.

"And right now, he's at his most vulnerable, because he regressed so far back that he's a baby. When he fell, it must have triggered something to let him slip so far," Jisung spoke gently.

"So, that means our Lixxie is a baby, right now? Awwww" the boys cooed at how Felix seemed to get more shy when they complimented him.

"How do we help with him?" Chan asked, curious as to how to help out a little.

"Ah, well, most littles have what we call caregivers, that's what I am to him. I'm his only caregiver currently, although littles sometimes like to have more. So, if y'all wanted, y'all could join me in being his caregiver. All it is like, is watching after a kid," Jisung once again explained more about little space and its concepts.

"He's so precious, of course we'd love to help," all the members gladly spoke. They seemed stoked to take care of their tiny baby.

"Baby Lixxie, Sungie has someone for you to meet," Felix picked up his head and he looked around at his bandmates and from what he just heard, new caregivers. Felix looked at Changbin and he made grabby hands, which signalled that he wanted Changbin to hold him.

Changbin just nodded and simply picked up the smaller boy, holding him on his hip like he would a child. Felix gripped onto Changbin's shirt and smiled, he liked his pink shirt anyhow.

"I think we should take our precious boy home, don't you?" Jeongin said as he pat Felix's fluffy hair.

Everyone agreed, and by this point Felix fell asleep in Changbin's arms as they got in the van to leave. Once they arrived home, they decided to spoil their baby with a cuddle pile in a fort, which Felix was happy to sleep in.

AN: Hello guys! Finally got the energy to write up a oneshot. This oneshot is dedicated to Missyisnotonfire ! Thank you for everyone that is reading this oneshot book. Please keep requesting, it's what helps me write. Thank you!

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