Ignored (namgijin)

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Caregiver(s): Namjoon and Jin
Little: Yoongi
Warning: angst/fluff
Yoongi woke up in his headspace. He was only 3 at the time and he smiled to himself. He waddled out of his room, looking around the house for any sign of his caregivers. He saw Jin, but he was busy cooking. And Namjoon was in his office doing his work. Yoongi waddled over to Jin.

"Eomma, pwease pway wif me?" he asked nicely. Yoongi seemed only slightly hyper at the moment.

"Honey, Eomma is busy making food right now. Why don't you go play with your stuffies?" Jin asked. He knew that Yoongi wouldn't want that, but Yoongi didn't have much of an option.

"Otay Eomma," Yoongi said and sighed as he waddled over to his room again, grabbing his stuffies and playing with them. He didn't like being alone, but he knew that Namjoon and Jin were busy. He didn't want them to be upset with him.

Yoongi continued to play, but soon he stood up to go see if Namjoon had finished. He knocked and then peeked into Namjoon's studio. He only walked in once he saw Namjoon in the chair. He waddled over to Namjoon and tapped his shoulder. Namjoon just shrugged it off as an itch on his shoulder and swatted as if a bug was there.

Namjoon heard a whimper and looked up in confusion, soon realizing that it wasn't a bug or an itch but it was his baby. He saw Yoongi clutching his small hand to his chest with a frown on his face.

"Baby, what are you doing in here, you know you're not supposed to come in here!" Namjoon said in a stern tone. He didn't know how mean he sounded, but it was just from the agitation of how much work he had.

"Get out of here, I have work to do," Joon said before turning around in his chair. But what he didn't realize was the tears that were pouring down poor Yoongi's face. Yoongi ran down the hallway to his room. Closing the door and slamming it loudly.

Jin heard the door slam and turned his head. He stopped his cooking and walked upstairs, leaving the food in the oven to cool off. He heard loud wails coming from Yoongi's room and he shook his head a little bit.

Jin walked to the door and opened it slowly, revealing the crying Yoongi who upon being scolded by Namjoon was in a younger headspace. More specifically he was in the headspace of a 1 year old.

Yoongi saw Jin and started to make grabby hands. All that left his lips were incoherent babbles and sobs. Jin quickly went to work and picked up his baby, bouncing him on his hip to calm him down.

Jin walked around the room, grabbing Yoongi's favourite paci and stuffed animal. The paci was a light pink with baby boy wrote on it. Jin immediately gave it to his baby, and Yoongi started to suck on it, calming down.

Once calmed down he saw his favourite Winnie the Pooh stuffie and made grabby hands at it. Jin complied quickly and gave Yoongi his stuffie. Yoongi babbled and held onto it.

Jin then walked down the hallway, seeing that Joon's studio door was still ajar. He walked in, which made Yoongi start to whimper. He was sad again and didn't want Namjoon to be mad at him again. Jin noticed this and inferred that Namjoon got upset with Yoongi and that's why Yoongi was so distressed.

"Joonie, I think you owe your baby an apology," Jin said as he distracted Yoongi with the plush toy.

"Why? He knows that he shouldn't come in here." Namjoon said coldly.

"Maybe because you made him slip into baby space? And he was sobbing because of you."

"Oh." Namjoon stood up and walked over to Yoongi and Jin. He looked at his baby, noticing the puffy red eyes. Joon quickly felt guilty as he heard Yoongi whimper when he saw him.

Joon leant down to Yoongi's eye level and said softly, "I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to upset you so much. Why don't we go watch Winnie the Pooh and cuddle for the rest of the night?"

Yoongi babbled happily and he grabbed onto Namjoon's face, smiling cutely. He squealed because he loved Winnie the Pooh and cuddles.

The night was spent with Yoongi cuddling up with his daddies and having a movie night.

A/N: Hi guys! I know it's been so long since my last update and I am so sorry! I've been so stressed and had no idea what to write. Classic writer's block. Anywho, I'm back. Kind of. I have no updating schedule but I'm out of school til May 4th so I should be good to write at least for a bit. I hope you enjoy this update!

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