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I turned and we kissed gently, Alex's fingers touching my chin briefly. Even that brief contact drove me crazy, I wanted more...he was a dick but I wanted him...so badly the bastard.

None of my family really knew our relationship problems, or that we had any at all. Bill had confessed that he was a little bit envious of how me and Alex just clicked...so did Fred, and Percy to my great surprise, not that we actually saw that much of him. But they were on the outside looking in, not on the inside looking out

Alex leaned on the back of the sofa and he smiled "Hey Mia."

Mione looked at him and smiled "Alex..."

He walked over and hugged her gently "Are you ok?"

She glanced at Fred and nodded "I think so...it's a lot to take in."

"Definitely, wanna go for a walk while Fred and Ron battle it out?"

She laughed softly "Not really, it would be great entertainment."

Pansy let loose a whoop startling everyone as she pumped her arm "THAT'S MY GIRL!!"

Fred, Ginny, Mione, and I all laughed while Pansy sat down between Harry and Draco with a huge smirk. Mione pulled away from Alex and slipped over to curl up on the sofa beside me. She placed a pillow in my lap and laid her head on it closing her eyes as she yawned

I smiled and gently pulled her hair out from under her butt, letting it rest on my lap. I ran my fingers through it and after a minute her breathing deepened and she fell asleep.

"Alex, would you pass me a blanket love?"

He quickly grabbed a blanket and passed it to me. I spread it over Mione and continued running my fingers through her hair. Pansy spoke softly "That's the fastest I've ever seen her fall asleep."

Fred and I spoke in unison "We're magical."

Pansy scoffed "You didn't do anything Fred."

"I certainly did, she fell asleep in the car, therefore she was still sleepy."

I laughed softly and Fred grinned. After a few minutes people slowly stood and moved out of the room. Fred moved to sit on the other side of the couch, leaning his head against my shoulder. I snickered and murmured quietly "I feel like a pillow."

Fred laughed "I can't imagine why you'd feel like that."

We were silent for a few minutes until Alex got up to go to the kitchen to get some tea or something and that's when I spoke quietly "Fred...hypothetically what would you say if I told you I wanted to go overseas for a bit?"

He sat up and looked at me seriously "I'd ask why you'd want to hypothetically go overseas."

"And if I hypothetically said because I'm not happy here right now and need to figure out some stuff?"

His eyes ran over my face and he spoke quietly "I'd ask if this hypothetical stuff you need to figure out has anything to do with Alex."

He still had the knack to know exactly what was wrong "I'd hypothetically tell you that your right, but I want to be there for the shops re-opening, finish up some of the products, hang out with you during mini fredmiones birth."

"Then I'd hypothetically tell you that the shop can wait, this is far more important. We can do owl orders for a few weeks before the grand opening, and wait for you to come back from this hypothetical trip, and that name is amazing."

Hermione suddenly rolled over "Stop with the hypothetical situations will you? Go George...you sound like you need it. Lee, I'm sure will help. And Fred promised to get me a whole whack of books, so I'll do some research and then I'll be able to help, as long as your back before the baby is born then you'll be fine."

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