Birthday night out

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The regular saturday night at the club you are working for as a barmaid, one of the most popular in Seoul: a lot of music, drinks to serve and ceremonies. Chaotic as always, you like your work. Your workmate are very friendly, you can see famous actors and singers sometimes and as a part time job, even if the monthly pay covers quite only the apartment rent and costs near the BigHit Ent. offices where you started working as a photographer few weeks ago, you are satisfied.

So tonight is 4 december, you begin your shift at 6 pm and you are asked to help to set all what is required for a fucking rich birthday party upstairs. Balloons, confetti, champagne and else. Then you go to get ready to make your cocktails at the counter, still thinking who was the man of the party.

The night has already started when you see a lot of people check in for the party and go upstairs and few people in black suit entering from the main entrance, so you think that it will begin soon. You realize you missed the man of the night when you hear cheers coming from the upstairs floor.

You hear popular tunes coming from the upper floor, you also see confetti coming downstairs, and you are called to go there to help filling champagne flutes for the guests. When you get there, you couldn't imagine that you would find the guys you are working for: it was Kim Seokjin's birthday, and the guys where all there having a night out. So rare you think, but since it's rare for them to go out you feel somehow happy.

In your way to the champagne table, you spot on a sofa Kim Taehyung staring at you and you turn down your head, feeling your face becoming hotter and your cheeks red. You pretend to be okay and go on with your duty. You start filling and giving flutes, when a hand grab the one in yours "sorry mrs. can I have it?" said a strong voice. You look at man in front of you. Long blond hair, a silver jacket, a loose tie on the white shirt and that light-blue eyed stare that made you go wide eyes. It's him. "Oh yeah, sure, please have it, and have fun, Mr. Kim" and you came back downstairs.

He is one of the sexiest man alive, and man, he keeps staring at you from the balcony upstairs and, you hope you are wrong, licking his lips everytime you met his stare. You remember him during your photoshoot sessions. The passion and the intensity you catch with your camera, and that you edit with you computer, make him be like a god. He gives you advices and hears yours, sometimes telling you in which pose he could be better, as someone as handsome as he would not look good even with a mask on.

After the party the guests go away, but you don't see the boys leaving the club, so you think they would have left through a secondary door. You take a break, and that's when you hear their beautiful tones coming form upstairs. You are singing along with Jungkook Begin when you turn and see Kim Taehyung in one of the stool at the counter looking at you with a smirk on his face.

"So we have a fan here uh?"
"Oh s-sorry Mr. Kim, may I help you with something?"
"No no, please go on, you are beautiful singing and dancing to our songs, Mrs ..?" that smirk still on his face
"I'm Y/N" you said, blushing for what he just said to you "but shouldn't you be up there with.."
"Oh don't worry about that Mrs. Y/N, we are going home in a few songs" you name sounds heavenly from his lips "but haven't we already met somewhere?" he says biting his lips and playing with his tie, making his neckline even lower.
"Oh well-"
"Now I remeber! You are Mrs. Y/N of the photoshoot, aren't you?" he asks getting closer to you, his cologne filling your senses giving you goosebumps.
"Why would you remember me?"
"You ask why? Your photos are so full of details and passion Mrs. Y/N, and you know exactly how to catch the best from each of our movements. I wouldn't forget someone as good and professional as you" getting so close to you that he sets your hair behind your ear.

You are now burning under his intense gaze. "Well thanks Mr. Kim, it's my job, and I love it, specially when the subject of the shooting day is you - you guys I mean!"
"Oh don't worry Mrs. Y/N, it's a pleasure for me too when we get to have shooting days with you"
"Oh well, now I really have to get back to work, and it seems like you have to go Mr. Kim" you say seeing the boys coming down the stairs
"I'd like to see you again Y/N, out from BigHit offices I mean" he says, setting fire in your chest
"But would it not be a problem for you Mr. Kim?"
"Please I'm Taehyung, and no, we have some days off. I'll be picking you up after work the day after tomorrow, if it will be okay Mrs. Y/N"
"She will be ready Mr. Kim I swear!" shouts one of you workmate from behind the counter. You turn your face to F/N to see her sending you a heart and a kiss before running away.
"So I guess it's okay, Mr. Ki- Taehyung," he smiles "my shift ends at 5 pm, but I'll have to go home first, to get ready. So if you don't mind I could be ready for 7 pm" you say playing with the end of you shirt, with a shy smile on your face.

He asks you for your address, and before leaving he grabs your hand, and kissing it he whispers a sweet but strong "goodnight", never leaving your eyes.
He reaches the guys, and disappears from the main door, after giving you the big boxy smile you love. You can't believe what happened to you tonight, and you can't wait to see him again.

BTS One Shot - AuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora