Chapter 3: The Underground

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"Hey you rats! Wake up, it's time to eat" the guard says as he walks by our cells to give us our food. If you can even call it food... Sometimes I wonder what did I ever do to end up in a place like this, why me?.. Richard snapped me out of my thoughts by saying "Mark, come on. We better go eat before all of the food gets taken". I say "Ok" as I quickly made my way over to the tray of "food". About 6 people shared a cell together, so you'd have to hurry up and eat when the guard's come, otherwise, your cellmates will eat all of the food up. In my cell it was me, Richard, Sam & Cam(who were identical twins but I swear you couldn't tell them apart sometimes unless you've known them for years), Greg, and Robert. We've all been prisoners for 17 years.. me and Richard were the first to arrive, both of us being 5 at the time. Then it was Greg and Robert, who were 4, and lastly the twins who were 3. We all didn't get along at first, we were constantly fighting, and arguing over petty things but over the years we've learned to settle our differences and work together because we are all that each other have. So now we've kinda formed our own little family. Me and Richard are the oldest so we were kinda like the (Richard)mom and (me)dad. While Greg and Robert were the oldest kids and Sam and Cam were the youngest kids. Richard was the peace keeper, he always liked to settle and calm everyone down. He would always try to make the best out of our situation. Greg is the fighter and protector of our little family. Whenever someone would say or do anything to us, he would always jump in and protect us instantly. Robert is the quite mastermind. He is very smart. He is still working on escaping but he says he's very close to perfecting his plan. Sam is the prankster in the group, always cracking jokes and making everyone fall to the floor laughing. Cam, who was a quite fortune teller. He could tell the future. I remember the group was talking about some thing random and Cam out of nowhere said "in 10 minutes 2 guards will get into a fighting because one stepped on the others shoe" we all busted out laughing (except Sam and Cam) thinking it was a joke and then we all stopped laughing because usually Sam would crack a joke and be the loudest person laughing but since he wasn't laughing we all stopped. Sam then said "It's true guys, all of his predictions are true. I would know, we've been together all out lives. It use to scare me as a child but know I'm use to it" And with that, we all waited to see if his prediction would come true and soon enough 10 minutes pass and 2 guards did get into a fight.. After that everyone was silence for about 2 minutes until Cam said "Mark, you are very special in 2 years time you will reign with your mate and rule over the entire world". Fast forward it's been a year and half since that day and I'm started to doubt what he said. I mean I'm special, yeah right.. what special person is captured and forced to work as a slave everyday.. "Hey Rats it's time for your daily work, line up with your hands behind your back" The guard says snapping me out of my thoughts. We all got up and formed a line ready to go into the field to work for the day. Everyday we would spend at least 6 hours working in the field. We usually picked fruit and veggies, while others fed the animals, helped the guards and upper class with other tasks. As soon as we made it to the field we all started our work for the day. We did our usual work and six hours later, we were done for the day. Today seemed to be moving quite quickly I thought as we lined back up to go back to our cells. When we got back to our cells, we all were tired so we immediately went to bed.. I got up around 5 hours later, it was about 12am. I look around to see who's up and everyones asleep except Robert, who was in the corner of our cell, crouched down and talking to himself. I got up and headed to the corner quietly, so that I wouldn't wake anyone up. As soon as I got close enough, I asked him "what are you doing". Robert looked startled for a minand he took a long pause before finally answering me. "I got a plan to get us out of here"...

To be continued..

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