Period 1: Assassination Time

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A/N: Hello everyone! I have a little side note for this. 

Since Japanese seat numbers on based on where the symbols (kanji or hiragana (I think Hiragana)) of their name is the alphabet (assuming it's the Japanese Alphabet).

If you have read the OC profiles, then you should notice on what the seat numbers are. Due to the fact that they are taking current seat numbers, the characters that previously took them now have a new seat number. A full list will be given at the end of the next chapter and a seating chart will be given later.

And the rest will follow after. I will make a full list once we go further into the anime.

Now please enjoy!


In an old, rundown building high in the mountains, there is a class that stands out among the other classes of Kunugigaoka Junior High. The room was dim and a tense aura encompassed the building. 

Outside, a loud crash made some of the students flinch and the old building shook from the wind. Then the soft sound of slithering was heard entering the building. 

Yes, I did say slithering.

The door slid open, and thus their teacher entered. 

As their teacher slithered up to the teacher's podium, all eyes were on him. 

Finally, he placed a tentacle on his roll book and spoke.

"Alright people, let's get started shall we? Class monitor, if you would do the honors."

A feminine blue haired boy stood up, "Right. Ready?" 

Right after those words were spoken, the entire class stood up and aimed firearms ranging from handguns to rifles, all aimed at their teacher. 


The sound of safety buttons clicking off echoed throughout the room.


At the blue haired boy's word, a storm of pink BB bullets rained upon their target, who dodged side to side, the bullets missing him completely. He was moving so fast, there seemed like there were multiples of him. 

"Oh...Oh my...well why don't I call roll while you children tire yourselves out." their teacher suggested, still miraculously dodging the hail of bullets. "Isogai?" 

"Here." came a voice among the gunfire.

"What's that? I'm afraid I couldn't make it out over all the gunfire!" said the teacher.

"HERE!" came the voice, louder this time. 













The teacher continued calling roll, remaining unharmed throughout the assault. Finally, out of bullets and exhausted, the students stopped, tired and out of breath. 

"Excellent, all present and accounted for. No tardies! Congratulations!" praised the teachers, his face turning orange with a red circle on it. 

"He's fast," panted a blonde haired girl, Rio Nakamura, tired from the onslaught.

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