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Time skip
To lunch


We were just making our way to the cafeteria 'cause it was lunch, we went inside and sat at an empty table when Taehyun spoke

Taehyun- Hey, I think that the boy who you were sitting with was the prince

He looked at me and Kai, and to be honest the blurred images I saw were pretty similar to the boy beside me.

Y/n- Yeah, he seemed pretty similar to those blurred photos.

All of us were silent for a few mimutes as we brainstormed the connections between the boy and the photos.

Huening Kai- We'll have to be like a hundread percent sure to say anything at all

He said while crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back on his chair. And once again, we were quiet as it seemed too unreal to have found the prince so quickly.

Huening Kai- Ok.. so is none of you two is hungry?

He looked back and forth between us as  Taehyun rolled his eyes

Taehyun- you are thinking about food in this situation?

Huening Kai raised his eyebrows as he scoffed.

Huening Kai- Oh, sorry, I am a human, sorry I have to eat to be alive, I don't know 'bout you two but I am a bloody human! I eat!

Taehyun- Okay, first of all, you definitely aren't a human—

Y/n- Second of all, let's just eat,

I put an end to the argument that was about to break out.

Taehyun- Ok, one of us will go and bring food

Everyone looked at each other, not sure who's willing to do the work

Y/n- but who?

There was some seconds of silence where we were looking at each other, then

Black Ace- rock, Paper, Scissors shoot!

Well, this is our way of making decisions, it may sound childish but we don't care

Huening Kai- ugh, Why me!

Kai never really had luck with it, He whined while me and Hyun laughed

Y/n- It was you who wanted to eat, go, shoo

Taehyun waved his fingers at Kai as he cursed us while stomping away to get the food.

After 5 min or so Huening came back with 3 sandwiches 

Huening Kai- here you go.

He said handing one to me, one to Hyun and keeping one to himself. We thanked him, I was gonna take my first bite when I felt someone tapping my shoulder, so I turned around and saw a tall boy with more boys around him who I assume were his friends

The Hybrid Prince [Jeon Jungkook FF]  ✔Where stories live. Discover now