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During the practice
Y/N pov

Yoongi- AHHHHH!!!!!! JIMIN!! GET OFF OF ME!!!! you fucking panther go away!!!


Taehyung- ahhh!!!! Why i am going up!!! Help mee!!!! Y/n!!!

Jungkook- y/n!! Why are there ears on my head!! RM hyung!! I am on your back! hyung go slow!!

We just stood there, watching the scens unfold in front of us. It wasn't anywhere near in control. We just stood there, mortified.

Bam- They're such idiots. are they really most powerful hybirds...?

Y/n- Yeah, yeah they are..

Namjoon- Hoseok!! Stop biting my leg!!!! Its not a fucking bone!!!

Taehyun- panda.. shut them up. Please.

Y/n- guys? stop.. please calm down!

They were still chaotic as heck. They were still going pretty hard, so I took a deep breath and screamed.


Everyone stopped what they doing instantly and froze in their spots.

Y/n- come back in your human form!

Everyone turned back into human form. It was pretty weird. Hoseok biting onto Namjoon's leg while Jungkook was on Namjoon's shoulders. Jimin was biting Yoongi's ears while Seokjin was on floor with a shoe in his mouth and Taehyung was hanging off of a tree.

Y/n- Now first, we will let go of each other, and the tree branch.

Time skip
After training

All of us were tired and was lynig on the ground

Y/n- Damn, y'all just—

I didn't complete the sentence, because it'll be rude, so I kept shut.

Jungkook- I am so tired!

I placed my head on someone's lap I didn't knew who, probably Kai or someone. That's when I looked up and saw Jungkook blushing hard

Y/n- oh! I am sorry

I was about to get up but he held my shoulders and laid me back down on his lap.

Jungkook- be like this..

I couldn't say anything but blushing I was red like a tomato.

Yoongi- Y/n..? Are you okay? Do you have fever? Why are you so red?

Hyun kai and bam just looked at me and smirked knowing that I was blushing, I glared at them and they just laughed

Jimin- Why are you guys laughing?

Bam- nothing special..

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