Ran was working like machine and then he remember those memories" when yuan wants to become army man so he join army centre and always talk to him on phone and send love messages "
flashback :
" Ran I want to become a military man and see I have my letter to join their" said yuan happily.
Really! you have leave me, how can live without you one month said Ran while making sad face.
it's okay I will call you everyday and you know I will call each day and even try to come back said yuan while kissing Ran.
okay! I don't want your dreams ruin beczo of me Said Ran while packing his stuff.
"be careful their and don't let anyone touch you or I will kill him "said Ran.
oh! my boyfriend getting jealous and will anyone who approach me but don't worry I m only yours said yuan while giving another kiss on his lips.
Ran was empty while looking yuan going and left him alone in this big house.
yuan was siting when Ran came from behind and embrace him and yuan turn to face him then he kiss those rosy lips by his plump lips, devouring each other "i will miss you too much please call me Soon, when you reached their" while kissing.
of course! me too said yuan while wiping his tears.
then Ran escort him to the airport and he kiss him last then yuan fly away for his camp.
"from that day they talk each time, in morning at lunch time then dinner, they always do video calls and texts, even sometime Ran stop the meeting in middle only to talk him".
one day Ran was working late in his company so he did not notice that rain is pouring out very hard and he also send his driver home.
when he came home he was all wet and catch call, for two days he have high fever and did not call yuan Coz he's don't want him to worry.
but on other hand yuan was so worried that it's been two days and Ran did not call or something might happen to him, oh no he can't think like that, so he did not think twice and leave his military training half and came back to Ran in night but when he came he saw ran lying like dead body, his body burning like fire.
yuan was crying hard seeing him this condition so he immediately take him hospital and they admit him for his treatment.
how's he doctor? ask yuan while tears still flowing from cute eyes.
he's fine but still need rest, I think it's been three days he's in this condition if one more day he remain in this condition, he will be dead said doctors.
yuan world was shaken by doctor words, he can't imagine living without Ran, he sir beside him caressing his face while kissing his lips "how can you do this to me, I will die if anything happen to you" said yuan while crying.
he spend whole night by siting next to him.
next morning "yuan" ran said in his weak voice.
when yuan hurd his beloved voice he open his beautiful eyes and again start crying while Ran wiping his tears and smiling to him.

My target Is you. ✅
Mistero / Thrillerhi! my name is professor shen Wei "well i have a crush on you Zhang yuan " he's mine and I will not anyone take away from me.