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When Louis was younger, he was always the responsible one of the family. Especially since he's the oldest. He would always be there to take care of his sisters and babysit them when their parents went out or had work. His oldest sisters grew up in the blink of an eye, and didn't need him to take care of them anymore. His younger sisters though, he still had responsibility for because they were young.

They looked up to him as the best brother they could ever have. He wasn't really looking forward to them growing up, so he always made sure to spend as much time with them before they get too old.

Every year, he would bring his sisters to the fair as requested by his parents. As soon as his oldest sisters got older, they had lost interest in going. So now, he only brought his younger sisters. This time, Liam tagged along. They were currently looking around for another ride, been went on a few before.

"I wanna go on that one!" Daisy shouted, pointing to the huge ride.

"That ride is too dangerous for you, love. You have a to go on a safe ride. I don't want you to get hurt." Louis said, holding on to her hand so that she doesn't run to it.

"Okay." She frowns, looking down.

They walked around for a bit, until one of them suddenly stopped. Phoebe looked up at him with begging eyes.

"That one, please? It's safe." Louis looked over at the ride she was pointing at, and observed it for a second.

"Are you sure? it looks kind fast. I don't want you to get-"

"Please!? You'll watch us, won't you?" She pressured, glancing quickly at Daisy, who nodded, smiling eagerly.

He sighed in defeat. "Alright, you guys can go." They squealed in excitement, before running off, Louis quickly running up behind them.

"Mate, you can get a snack or something, I'll watch them for you." Liam offered. Louis agreed, and began going his own way around. He stopped when he came across a hot dog bar. He paid for it, before walking off again. He finished eating the hot dog, and decided to get a drink. Whilst looking around, he wasn't paying much attention and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" He quickly apologised, looking up. He met a pair of green eyes, looking back at him. He immediately recognises the person.

"Oh, it's- it's you again." He awkwardly says, laughing lightly. The stranger looked down at him, an amused look on his face. Louis could feel the awkwardness in the air, as no one said a single word for almost a minute.

Suddenly, he heard screaming, and then crying. He was confused for a moment, wondering where the wailing was coming from. He quickly looked behind him once he heard his name being called. He turned back around, a look of confusion when he realised the stranger was no longer there.

"Louis!?" He heard his name again.

He recognised Liam's voice, and quickly sprinted across the fair, pushing past anyone in his way. He stopped running when he finally spotted Liam, but his eyes widen once he noticed the small crying child being held in his arms.

"Daisy!" He ran to them, immediately taking the little girl into his arms, trying his best to calm her down as she cried in pain.

"What the hell happened!? You were supposed to watch them!" He yelled at his friend, who had a scared look on his face.

"I was! I- I don't know what happened. One minute she- she was fine, next thing she screamed, and I saw she had fallen out of the ride." He explained, stuttering nervously.

"What? how did she fall out?"

"I think she wasn't buckled in properly. I'm so sorry, mate. I should've gone on with them."

Louis sighed, shaking his head. He continued rubbing Daisy's back, hoping she would calm down and eventually stop crying.

"It's okay, it's not your fault anyway. Sorry for yelling at you." He apologised. After a while, Daisy finally calmed down and suddenly fell asleep in his arms. He took that as a chance to check her her for any injuries.

To his horror, he saw a badly painful cut on her forehead. He's mind quickly went to his parents. They're going to kill me, he thought. He couldn't help but feel guilty.

She was his responsibility, both her and Phoebe. He shouldn't have went away to get a stupid hot dog. He should've stayed by and accompanied them, as he was told. He shook his head, letting out another sigh.

"Let's go, we've had enough fun for today. My mum has band aids and all that stuff to treat her." Liam nodded, and they walked away, leaving the fair.

                                  • • •

Louis did in fact, get a mouthful from his parents after bringing the twins home. Thankfully they didn't blame him, but wished he would have stayed and watched them like they said.

Daisy was fine, and the cut healed after a week. He still felt guilty about the whole thing. He couldn't seem to forget about it. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was the damage he caused her. He was just glad it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

"Are you okay? you seem stressed." Nicole questioned him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He answered, focusing on the pastries he was making. He wasn't really in the mood to talk, having had slept late last night.

"So uhm, how are things with David?" He asked her, hoping to distract themselves from this somewhat, awkward situation.

"Things are great at the moment. I asked him a few questions again, and literally begged him to tell me the truth. He explained why he was acting the way he was. Apparently it was just stress at work and he was taking it out on me. I still feel like he should be honest with me though, no matter what." She explains, watching him as he worked.

"Sounds like bollocks to me." He mumbled, and she gave him a confused look.


Louis looked up at her, not sure of what to say. Louis knows when there's dishonesty in a relationship. He's been there. And although some of them there was honesty, the only thing they were dishonest about, were feelings.

"I'll talk to you about it later. Let's just get ready to open up."

A few hours pass by as the day went on. It was almost dark, and Louis was tired, but still managed to pull through and work.

He heard the door chime, and looked up to see who entered. His eyes caught the attention of the stranger he still longed to know. He finished serving his previous customer, saying a quick goodbye to her as she left.

Louis looked back at the stranger as he was now sat down in front of him. He noticed he seemed a bit down, but didn't question it, and continued on asking him what he wanted.

"Just coffee, please." Louis wondered why he always got coffee and not anything else. It seemed to be his only choice.

"Why do you always get coffee?" He asked. The stranger shrugged, not replying to his question. Louis decided to ignore it though and began making the coffee.

He walked back to him when done. The stranger paid and stood up, getting ready to leave.

"Are you sure you don't want anything else?" The stranger shook his head and walked away, closing the door behind him as he left.

What a mysterious man, he thought.

Did you guys see Harry's new music video!? Omg I was screaming like a crazy person😂 I absolutely love the song as well🤗

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