Chapter 2

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She wasn't sure what she expected the house to be like inside. It looked just like every other house on the street from the outside, but her parents had never allowed her to speak to any homosexuals, so she did not know what kind of houses they had. As they walked inside, she tried to furtively look around but everything appeared normal to her. She thought that the décor was rather warm and inviting and she felt herself begin to breathe a bit calmer.

"Dads! I'm home!" Rachel yelled as she walked toward the staircase, leading Quinn.

"We're in the kitchen, Rae, just finishing up getting dinner ready. Do you want me to let you know when it is almost done so you have some time to begin your homework?" Quinn heard one of Rachel's fathers respond from farther inside the house.

"Actually, I am going to put my things away and change out of my school clothes but then I will be right back down," Rachel replied. "There is something I need to discuss with the both of you."

"Not another glee club soloist fight I hope!" Quinn heard another male voice reply with a quick laugh following it.

Quinn glanced at Rachel and saw the tiny brunette blush again. "No!" Rachel replied vehemently before stomping rapidly up the stairs with Quinn following behind her.

Rachel walked quickly to a door that had a large gold star hanging from it. She opened it and turned to Quinn. "This is my room but you can put your things in here for now until I have a chance to talk to my dads. Just put your things on my desk for now."

Quinn stepped inside the room as Rachel hit the light switch. The walls were covered in Broadway posters and there was a large entertainment cabinet full of musical DVDs. Quinn could not help but giggle since the room was a perfect match to the petite starlet. She went and placed her books and bag neatly on Rachel's desk while Rachel went over to her closet, opened it and grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

"I always change when I get home from school. I usually exercise on my elliptical once in the morning and once in the evening as well as practicing my ballet positions. Trying to do all that while wearing my skirt would just not be practical and after all it is important to dress appropriately for the civilities one is involved in-" Rachel rambled as she removed her shoes.

"Rachel, it's your house," Quinn interrupted her. "You don't need to explain to me what you wear in your own house."

"I'm sorry. I guess I am just so used to defending my clothing style that I do so automatically." Rachel walked over to another doorway. "This is the bathroom between my bedroom and the spare room that you will be using. While you are here, we will have to share the bathroom. I will be right back out," she explained as she stepped into the other room and closed the door.

Quinn wondered just how much time Rachel spent in the bathroom as she appeared to be more high maintenance then even she herself had been before she got pregnant! She sat down in the desk chair to wait for Rachel. Her mind was still racing. Her life was simply falling apart more and more everyday. She was only 16, how had things gone wrong so fast? She made one mistake, would she be punished for the rest of her life because of it? She felt the tears welling in her eyes and knew that she was rapidly losing control of herself for the second time in the last 20 minutes.

"Quinn! What happened? I was only gone for about two minutes!" Quinn heard a panicked Rachel squeal. Rachel rushed over to where Quinn was seated then dropped to her knees beside the chair so that she was able to look up at Quinn's bowed head.

Quinn looked down into Rachel's concerned eyes and felt the hysterical laughter building in her throat. Here she was once again falling apart and the girl she had tormented relentlessly for years was the only person who cared about her and her unborn child's welfare! It was not just strange, it was insane! The world must be turning inside out or there was some sort of cosmic happening! Quinn began giggling and quickly could not control the laughter that spilled from her lips.

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