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Minhee apologized

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Minhee apologized.

Yunseong's first tweet about the issue

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Yunseong's first tweet about the issue.

Yunseong's first tweet about the issue

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Another oh

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Another oh.

And another oh

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And another oh.

And another oh

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Holy 3nity

Seungwoo - oldest, son of the president of pd university.

- graduated in pdu
- his job now is a model
- he have his own room in the univ.

Seungyoun - seungwoo's bestfriend

- (luckily) he graduated in pdu
- model
- owns a small coffee shop

Wooseok - seungwoo's bestfriend

- also graduated in pdu
- model model model
- savage

The three of them are famous back then, but they become even more famous when they started modeling. They are the one who organize all the events in pd university so every events are cool.


HaHahAh short? Ik. Sorry abt that. oKAY BUT 768 READS?!?!? TYSM ❤❤

oh please remember that everything that will happen irl (to x1, woollimz, starshipz and other characters) will be included in this story- i mean it'll affect the story.

For example moon hyunbin left starship ent. (hope this won't happen) he will also leave in this story but i will still include him- do y'all get it lskdks. Bai. ♡♡

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