Chapter 2: You Got To Be Kidding

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Well, I decided that since I actually have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just going to be waiting like a damsel in distress for someone to help. So, for now, I'll just keep it the way it is and continue.



     "I find that hard to believe," Athena stated, staring judgementally at my teammates and fellow Commander rolling on the ground. "Considering how unprofessional they are right now." I stared at her and recalled how her flawed logic and "wisdom" had ruined my life and happiness, and how her daughter and followed her example.

(Mini Flashback)"It's only logical to conclude that he was a traitor from the very beginning, with this evidence and what Annabeth had said what he did in Tartarus. It shows that he is capable of terrible acts and torture." (Mini Flashback over)

     "From what I can believe, your logic and so-called "wisdom" have become flawed over the years. After all, you sentenced someone's whose fatal flaw was loyalty to Tartarus over something he was framed for. And honestly, just because my team has a tendency of joking around, doesn't mean that they can't get the job done. You need more facts, more evidence, and some common sense before coming to a conclusion." I fiercely defended my team, though I couldn't help but emphasize the words of their wrongdoings- aka what they had done to past me. 

     I raised an eyebrow when all the gods and goddesses flinched as if I had just slapped them. By now, my team and fellow Commander had stopped rolling on the ground and had instead finally stood up. So now they know. Eh, they would have figured it out eventually, seeing as we're going to be working with them. I mentally sighed, just hoping that they wouldn't do anything drastic or let this affect them enough to ruin the mission.

     "How were we supposed to know-" I interrupted the goddess of wisdom, "You should have taken everything into account, all the facts, all the factors, who was presenting the evidence, who accused him, and what they would have to gain from him being gone. But you didn't. Admit it, you were paranoid, he was powerful, and you didn't even like him in the first place because of his heritage. You let it blind you, you were biased, and even now you're too proud to admit that you were wrong, and you're trying to avoid the blame of being the one who ultimately sentenced an innocent person to a terrible fate. Face it- you were wrong, you were blind, and you need to accept your portion of the blame. Now you have to do your dam(n) best to redeem yourself and make sure to become the type of person that he would forgive- someone who accepts the fact that they were wrong." I said coldly. They needed to clean up their act, and if I had to use my past identity against them, then boohoo. Who cares? It gets the job done. 

     "See! This is what I was talking about! Even though you've become cold, distant, and apathetic, you still know what to say, and you still care in your own way! You're not afraid to tell someone when they're wrong, and you're not afraid to tell them how to fix it and clean up their act! But apparently, you do have your limits. Don't think I forgot that you changed your codename from Alpha to Omega just because I gave you the wonderful nickname "Alfie" and gave me that terrifying glare that I still have nightmares about! But yeah, still one of the best people I've ever known, despite all of your "Asshole of the Year" awards, even when you seem like you don't care, you're still one of the best." Hero said passionately, while the rest of the team nodded in agreement. I stared at them. You got to be kidding me. 

   "Anyways, we should properly introduce ourselves, even though we have nametags. After all, it's the polite thing to do, and manners are important." I stated, completely ignoring the fact that the Olympians were still recovering from my admittedly harsh but truthful words. I cleared my throat, and my team instantly went back into formation. I motioned for Spike to go first, and he stepped forward. "My codename is Lone Wolf, and I am the first Commander of the Chaotic Army. My real name is Spike. You may use either my real name or my codename. I will most likely be the only one who tells you my real name." Spike went back into position, his silver nametag shining in contrast to his dark blue cloak.

     I stepped forward. "My codename is Omega. I will not be sharing my real name. I am the second Commander of the Chaotic Army." I went back into position. Luke stepped forward. "My codename is Hero. I will not be sharing my real name. I am the second in command, which means that I will step into the role of Commander temporarily if they are both on solo missions. I will only permanently become a Commander if one of them dies." He went back into position, but I could see that the mere thought of one of us dying affected him by the slight trembling that his dark brown cloak just barely managed to hide (Luke has a black mask with gold swirls). Bianca stepped forward. "My codename is Death, though sometimes I am referred to Angel, as a slight reference to one of our missions... I will not be sharing my real name. You may either call me Death or Angel." She went back into position (Bianca wears a black cloak with a black mask with silver swirls)(I don't actually know how she got the second codename since she had it before I joined).

     Beckendorf stepped forward. "My codename is Forge. I will not be sharing my real name." He went back into position (Beckondorf wears a dark orange cloak with a black mask with orange swirls). Silena stepped forward. "My codename is Beauty. I will not be sharing my real name." She went back into position, beside Forge, and they held hands (Silena wears a hot pink cloak with a black mask with pink swirls). Leo stepped forward. "My codename is Flame. I will not be sharing my name." He went back into position beside Calypso (he wears a bright orange cloak with red stitching and a black mask with orange swirls)(I was impressed by how calm and professional he was). Calypso stepped forward. "My codename is Trapped. I will not be sharing my real name." She went back into position beside Flame, and they held hands (she wears a white cloak with a black mask with white swirls). 

     Zoe stepped forward. "My codename is Star. I will not be sharing my real name." She went back into position (she wears a dark silver cloak with a black mask with silver swirls). Ethan stepped forward. "My codename is Revenge, though sometimes the other like to call me Pirate. I will not be sharing my real name nor the reason why they call me Pirate." He stepped back into position (he wears a black cloak with a black mask with no swirls)(He's occasionally called Pirate, not because of his eyepatch, but because of a mission when he became an undercover pirate. He got a little too in character and ended up causing a mutiny and became Captain).  

     "Well, I believe that we have the very basics covered. Now let's go onto the basics of why we're here- to help with training and fighting in this war that we're preparing for." I raised an eyebrow, looking at the Olympians who seemed to both be recovering from the truth and absorbing the information and identities. The only ones not affected were Hestia and Hades. Hades seemed like he was about to speak when suddenly the council once again erupted into chaos, a mass of screaming gods, arguments, and suggestions of what to do with us, as well as screams of "THEY'RE TOO POWERFUL!"

I gave yet another long-suffering sigh. "You got to be kidding. This is going to take a long time, a lot of patience, and a raise in order to get this mission done."


And that's a wrap! It's basically just a filler chapter, which invites you to throw suggestions and ideas at me. It's not much, it's kind of repetitive, but meh, at this point I'm a damsel in distress, waiting for my prince charming Inspiration to come save me. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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