Chapter 1: Mission Assigned

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In this story, they have no wings. Lee and Michael are not part of this story because, like in the last one, they died again in the Chaos Army before Percy joined. This story will be very different from Betrayed and Alone because, well, I'm not 13 anymore and this is a new story. HOWEVER, do not be surprised if you see strong similarities since originally this story was meant to be a rewrite of Betrayed and Alone, but without the Harry Potter crossover sequel (that never happened but was originally intended to happen). ALSO, I will not appear in this story like I did in Betrayed and Alone (mostly because I decided I wanted to break the 4th wall without actually breaking the 4th wall, know what I mean?) Anyways, ONTO THE STORY!


     Around a large obsidian table, Chaos and his elite team were gathered. "Well... it's been a long time since we could, you know, meet up?" Chaos grinned awkwardly, looking anywhere and at anyone except Percy. Omega raised an eyebrow, casually leaned back, and put his feet on the table while looking the Creator of the Universe in the eye. 

     "You have a mission for us," Omega stated. "And guessing by how you have that "this might be too personal for them to do" face, I'm guessing the mission is on Earth. We have to help the gods, don't we?" Chaos opened and closed his mouth, remembered that Percy was the second Commander for a reason, and settled on, "I have a "this might be too personal for them to do face"?" Spike nodded, while the eight Elite members (the Commanders make it ten in total) whispered excitedly and nervously among themselves. After all, they were returning home.

     "And, uh, you have no problem with helping them in the war that they're preparing for, Omega?" the Creator asked hesitantly, edging dangerously on what was in the beginning, the taboo subject on why Percy was with the Chaotic Army and not with his friends on Earth. The reason that only Spike, Chaos, and, of course, Omega knew. The rest suspected, but didn't believe in their suspicions. After all, who would betray Percy? His fatal flaw was loyalty, and he would protect those he was loyal to until his last breath. But all the signs point to the reason being betrayal. The way he slowly but surely put his walls up, distanced himself, and managed to stop feeling emotions after a while. But why would they betray them?


     "And, uh, you have no problem with helping them in the war that they're preparing for, Omega?" Chaos asked hesitantly. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Why should I care? It's just another mission. You remember how this works, right? You assign us a mission, we complete the mission. Simple as that. The only difference is that it's personal, and even then we don't have any real problems as long as they're willing to cooperate. While we may be unprofessional in this mission, it will not actually hinder our performance. It may even enhance our performance." I stated, bored. It was only logical.

     Chaos looked at me, then nodded. "Okay, now get ready." We nodded, then left the briefing room. Hero, my second-in-command, ran to my side, and nervously asked, "Do you think, that if my identity was revealed, that..." He trailed off, nervous blue eyes filled with guilt, fear, and a hint of hope. "Luke. Your codename is Hero for a reason. You died a hero, you've redeemed yourself, and even if they hold a grudge against you, they would have to get through me to get to you." I responded, and the remains of who I once was before everything happened flared, proving that my fatal flaw was still there. 

     "You're right. Heh, even when you've become cold, distant, and apathetic, you're still one of the best people I've ever known. Even if you don't care, you always know what to say." Hero said gratefully. I blinked, startled. "One of the best people I've ever known"?! What does he mean? Last I checked I was voted "Asshole of the Year"! Over fifty times in a row! I shook my head. "You're welcome." I said instead. 

TIMESKIP (no you don't get any dots or whatever to name like other stories I've read)

     "Okay, is everyone here?" Chaos asked. I stared at him, looked at everyone, did a quick headcount, and stated, "Yes, and they should have their cloaks on, hoods up, and masks on unless they want to immediately give them a heart attack." Everyone quickly followed my instructions- except for Spike. But, well, Lone Wolf didn't have a history with the gods, and he was older than Chaos. So he didn't count. I flipped my black hood up and put on my black mask that has sea-green swirls. 

     "We're ready, so do please remember to make a portal." I told Chaos, remembering the time Luke had ranted at me about how while Lone Wolf and I were on our own missions, and he was in charge, they had waited for an hour for Chaos to make a portal while said Creator just stood there, staring at them. Honestly, as apathetic as I try to be, I couldn't help but find it amusing. And judging by how Chaos was sputtering denials and showing all the signs of his embarrassment, he obviously knew to what I was referring to. Everyone else also knew- Spike was snickering, and everyone else was giving him meaningful stares.

     I just stared at him and did that hand-wavey motion thing that he always made when he was making a portal, hoping that he would get the hint and stop delaying us further and stop embarrassing himself already. Finally, Chaos made the portal to Olympus. I have never been so eager to step through a portal in all my years as a Chaotic Army Commander. We stepped through the portal, right into the throne room of Olympus. A noisy throne room occupied by arguing gods and goddesses. 

     I considered waiting as I had stepped right into the middle of the throne room, in clear view, with the Elite team in perfect formation, but decided against it as they continued to argue. Quickly, I mind linked the team. "Since we'll be here for a long time if we wait for them to stop arguing, we won't be waiting. Ready for the good old taxi cab whistle?"  I got a chorus of "Yes sir!" and "Why did it have to end like this?" So I cut off the mind link and got the Olympians' attention via taxi cab whistle.

     "INTRUDERS! YOU SHALL DIE!" Zeus bellowed, raising his master bolt, clearly intending to smite us. I facepalmed and gave a long-suffering sigh. "I take it back. Yes, Chaos, I have a problem with this mission to help the Olympians win the war that they're preparing for. Now please send in some other teams or something." I paused, looking around for a portal to take us back. I sighed when I didn't find one. "Why was I the one to get the "Asshole of the Year" award this year? Obviously, it should belong to Chaos." I muttered, and then realized that everyone in the throne room heard everything I had said since, surprisingly, Zeus and everyone else had been silent while the master bolt was charging.

     How did I know? The Olympians' jaws were practically on the ground, and my team was howling with laughter (literally in Spike's case). "How many "Asshole of the Year" awards do you even have by now?" Hero managed to ask between laughs. "I lost count." I deadpanned. They were literally rolling on the ground by now. I groaned, rubbing my temples as best as I could through my mask. 

     Then I looked up at the Olympians, mock bowed, and gestured to my hysterically laughing team. "Behold. The Elite Team and Commanders of the Chaotic Army. We have been sent by Chaos himself to assist you in winning the war."


Okay, I have no idea how this happened. I was aiming for a slightly insane, apathetic Percy, and somehow I created this. Just- what- how- okay, I can work with this. I just need to tweak a few things and try to not turn this story into a comedy. Wish me luck.


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