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Did I hear wrong or did Asher just called me cute? It couldn't have been, I must be dreaming.The asshole only ever calls me ugly and fat.I mean I'm curvy but no way close to being fat.

"What did you call me?" I asked shocked. I must have looked hilarious with my mouth gaped open like a fish and my eyeballs ready to pop out of it sockets.

His deamoneur changed as he widen his eyes before composing himself. He slanted backwards with ease and rest his back on the chair, before giving me a glance.

" I said I can't stare at you for long you're that hideous, you make my eyes burn" he grunted making a face of disgust. His nose scrunched up as if he smelled something bad.

Ouch! Didn't know I was that ugly. There goes my self confidence. Is it because I dropped my hair and didn't comb it this morning, but I did brush it and my hair hardly gets frizzy.I mean I know I don't wear any makeup so maybe it's my dark circles from studying all night.

Stop thinking about your appearance so much Lil it's not like it's the first time he calls you that.

Yeah but it doesn't stop the pain and hurt I feel every time I hear him say it. It doesn't hurt as much when others make fun of me, but there is just something about Asher that makes it harder for me to hear those words from his mouth.

"Stop fucking staring at me creep, you're disgusting!" He shout loud enough to gain the attention of the students.

I didn't realize I was still staring at him.Everyone started to laugh while they pointed at me. So embarrassing!

I quickly turned around with my head down. My eyes stung as I forced myself not to shed a tear. Don't cry don't cry I chanted to myself.

As soon as class was over I got up quickly, chairs screeching as I pushed it backwards with my legs. I took my bag and swang it on my shoulder as my feet moved swiftly around the chairs and made my way to the door.

My hands were already on the knob when I suddenly felt cold water being sent on my ass, I let out an embarrassing  squeal and turned around to spot Asher and his friends laughing while he held an empty  water bottle in his hands.

"Hey slut I think you peed your pants!" He said while pointing at my now wet backside.

I felt the feeling of embarrassment wash over me as I felt the water drip down my legs leaving a wet trail. I already knew my whole backside was soaked so I didn't have to turn to have a look.

He came closer towards me and leaned down to whisper in my ear. His breath tickled causing unwanted shivers to rock my body. My heart leapt as my breath hitch waiting for what he would do next.

"Next time don't wear those shorts they make you fatter than you already are" his deep voice stated.

I had those shorts from when I was  a freshman in high school and I barely had hips then. But now I got wider hips making the pants stick to me like a second skin. It reached bellow my ass leaving my slender legs on display.

I wasn't going to wear them in public because I knew I would've gotten ridiculed. But I didn't have a choice since Sonia took my long jeans and the rest were dirty.

My fist clenched and unclenched as I stifled the fury that was boiling  inside. I wanted nothing more but to say something I would regret but refrained from saying anything. It would only make things worse and I'll be left with more of an embarrassing punishment.

I sighed in defeat before leaving without saying a word,I quickly rushed to the bathroom knocking some students on the way.

Heart thumping in my chest I closed the bathroom stoll and locked the door. I  sat on the closed toilet and put my bag on my lap. The tears I was holding finally prickled down before turning into full blown sobs.

God I hate Asher why does he have to be so mean? I have never done anything to him. I started crying my eyes out.

The  door to the stall next to mine opened and closed . My cries now turned to stifles as I tried to stop crying. I could feel the presence of more than one person as they fumble around. In the process knocking on my stall that separated us.

A female voice started moaning as I heard pants being unzipped. The sound annoyed me as I heard their frantic breathing.

Shit did some idiot really come here to do the dirty? Couldn't they give me space to cry in peace?

"Oh my God Asher!" "That feels so good" some girl moaned. The sound making me cringe as I stopped my stifling completely.

My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach as I heard the name that was called out. My chest tightened uncomfortably as I tried to deny that it affected me.

That's disgusting! Why the fuck would he come in the bathroom to have sex, When he knew I was here. What an asshole.

What should I do, should I get out or stay quiet like there is no one here? I should get out because the moaning got louder and they are literally banging on my stall.

"Fuck Asher faster faster!" The girl let out. Her voice causing shivers of disgust to rock my body

Yea I'm getting the fuck out of here! That stall needs holy water as soon as they get out of it.

I tried to slowly open the stall but the stupid door made a creeking sound. I silently cursed at my bad luck and clutched my bag closer to me as a shield.

Asher and the bimbo stopped suddenly. The door to their stall opening with a bang. He got out while trying to zip his pants and looked straight at me with a smirk ,while I stood still like a statue,because I really didn't know what to do.

"Did you wish it was you I was fucking in that stall slut?" He spat. My mouth formed an 'o' as shock over took my body from the question I wasn't expecting.

Over my dead body asshole! I really wanted to say, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a squeak. The girl came out and I recognized her immediately, it was Shelly the schools head cheerleader.

She and Asher have an on and off relationship.With her long  jet black hair that reaches on her bum, blue eyes and pouty lips she's a sight for sore eyes. Her petite form was really slim and sometimes I thought she was anorexic.

Everyone worships the ground she walks on. Her parents are millionaires and she gets away with everything. It's annoying really. She is also one of the meanest girls at this school holding a grudge against me for some reason that was unknown to me.

She sneered at me while fixing her clothes. " What are you staring at freak?" She shout mouth curling in a snear

Asher turned around to face her , he looked like he had  forgotten that she was here with the look on his face. His face suddenly turned to distaste before seizing her wrist and pushing her towards the door roughly.

"Shelly shut the fuck up and get out!" Asher shout making Shelly cower back in fear. I too jumped back from the force of his voice and stared at him in confusion

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