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We pulled apart hastily our foreheads colliding together when Asher lost his footing and stumbled forward a little. I rubbed the sore spot glaring at him in anger. He mouthed a sorry before straightening himself.

Dusting off the imaginary dust off his grey shirt Asher held his index finger up to indicate that he'll be back. I nodded letting him know I'll wait for him.

He turned around swiftly before disappearing out of the room. A relieved sigh left my parted lips when his presence wasn't around me anymore.

I was jotting down some of the project information on the filed sheet paper I took out of my bag. I was now on the second sentence when a loud commotion had me discontinue my writing.

I placed my pencil down on the unfinished paper and twisted my body around to face the door, maybe thinking I could see through it.

My curiosity got the best of me and I left the room tiptoeing until I reached the top of the stairs that was between the two huge walls. I sat down slowly on the top stair hoping I didn't make a sound as I listened intently.

"Why did you invite her here!" Shelly's furious voice vibrate through the quiet walls.

My ears perked up when I heard what they were arguing about. Who is 'her'.

It's you dumbass

"I don't have to tell you anything, it's my fucking house isn't it!" Asher's deep voice boomed. His anger ridden voice had me quivering in fear and I prayed things don't get worse.

It was silent for awhile until Shelly's now timid voice spoke up. I could barely hear her but from the scratchy sound of her voice, she wasn't far from crying.

"You never let me in your room yet you let that little bitch in?" She asked and I pictured her with a sadden look on her alluring features.

" I don't owe you any explanation shelly we aren't together!" Asher yelled at her

"We were together just a few hours ago Asher, did you break up with me because of her?" Her voice was still small, probably didn't want to anger him more. We all know how an angry Asher acts.

"Why all those questions? Like I said I don't owe you an explanation, but if you really want to know why I broke up with you, it's  because you're not doing it for me anymore, you don't please me, you never have" Asher said his voice didn't hold an ounce of regret.

"What?" She stuttered and then started sobbing rather loudly.

"You heard right! I am tired of banging a fucking pole. The only reason I was with you was because of my parents, I was never happy with you Shelly." Asher's voice was aggressive.

A loud echoing slap was heard before the shattering of glass. My breath hitched and I got up quickly and raced down the stairs taking two at a time. My heart raced as I feared of what was happening.

My feet came to a halt when I saw broken shreds of glass on the wooden floor. Shelly was cowering  away from Asher looking at him, fear evident in her blue eyes as she backed away. He was glaring at her but then  his tensed muscles  relaxed when he heard me enter.

Shelly must've sensed my presence because now her teary blue orbs were  locked onto mine in a terrifying glare. She  stopped crying and  looked at me with disdain. Her black hair whipped around as she straightened her form.

With a huff she got ready to leave, her red heels crunching the  broken glass shreds under them. Her hips were swaying as she flipped her dark tresses behind her shoulder.She turned around  her hand on the door knob and with a cocky expression she smirked at Asher.

" I don't know why I bother, you always come back to me anyway" She said with a shrug

"Not this time Shelly" Asher finally looked at her and shook his head.

"We'll see" she snorted while she slammed the door closed

By the look of it I just got in the middle of a lovers spat. I looked back at Asher and saw that his head was lowered. He looked like he was in deep thought as his eyebrows knitted together. His tattooed hand passed through his messy hair in frustration. When did he get those tattoos?

Feeling stupid for just standing there I tried to make an excuse to leave. Well this is awkward

" umm it's getting late I should go." I muttered. I looked at the round clock that was on the kitchen wall near fridge. It was just 6 p.m

Why did I leave my bag in the room. My stupid ass could of brought it with me while I was going to eavesdrop on their conversation.

My eyes averted back to him only to see that he was already staring at me. His blue eyes looked at my face in contemplation.

"Okay, just don't forget you have to come tomorrow to finish it up ." He muttered. His now soft eyes staring into mine. I nodded.

I shifted from one feet to the other. "Uh I'll just go and get my bag" I pointed upstairs.

"Don't worry I'll get it" he sighed and past me to go to his room. I waited for him, looking at the bland walls. Nothing was different everything looked the same, white walls everywhere with no added color. It seemed as if his room was the only thing that had his personality.

My thoughts drifted to his room and just like that I was thinking about our almost kiss. The way he looked at me seemed foreign. I couldn't pinpoint what he was feeling at the moment but I knew I felt something more than just a crush and that should of sickened me but it didn't. Just the thought brought on a blush to my already rosy cheeks.

Asher's heavy footsteps descending the stairs had me coming back to reality. I quickly tried to hide the blush by putting my head down. His foot came to a halt before me, but I refused to lift up my head as I solely focused on his feet that was covered with grey socks.

My bag came into my vision as he outstretched his arm, without looking up I tried to retrieve it from his clutches, but he wasn't having it as he held onto it with a deathly grip. Now we were in a tug war, but after a minute I got frustrated and lift up my head to glare at him.

"Why are you blushing Lily?" He asked

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