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Shelly looked at Asher embarrassed her eyes filled with unspilled tears as she rushed out of the bathroom.

Asher chuckled at Shelly's dramatic exit in amusement before walking up to one of the mirrors to fix his disheveled hair. At a lost for words, I walked backwards slowly praying that my feet don't make a sound, as I tried to escape him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said lowly. His voice held authority making my shoe squeak because of my sudden halt.

To Antarctica dumbass! I wanted to say sarcastically, but I kept my mouth shut for I feared of what was to come.

If I had boots right now I would be shaking in them at this moment. Turning around slowly I kept my eyes focused on the tiled floor while I prayed silently in my head.

"I'm going to my next class" I squeaked not daring to lift up my head to face him.

"I'm not done with you yet" he said angrily

At his sudden outburst I lifted my head only to see him stalk towards me like a predator. His black combat boots hit the tiled floor making me more anxious than I already was.

He stopped a breath away from me. My heart thumbed in my chest frantically as I began to sweat. My body heated up with a fire unknown to me as he got closer than I expected.

Feeling his hot breath fan my face I couldn't help the shivers that ran down my spine. Our breathing deepened as his blue orbs stared into my green ones. It held an emotion that was foreign to me, making my already thumbing heart beat faster.

His eyes softened as he traced them over my face. My lips part as my tongue peeked out to lick my dry lips. Asher's eyes followed the movement, eyes darkening he bit his plump bottom lip. If it was possible his breathing became deeper.

We stayed there in a trance, none of us speaking just admiring each other's features. Well I was admiring his but  I don't know if Asher was admiring mine.  We were suddenly startled by a banging on the bathroom door.

We jumped apart both of us avoiding looking at one another as the pounding got louder.

"Hey who locked the bathroom door? Open up I need to take a dump." some random girl shouted while banging on the said locked door

When did Asher lock the door? I must've been to caught up in admiring him to notice.

Asher looked annoyed while he opened the door. The girl looked up at him with an embarrassed blush and quickly ran to the toilet.

We heard a loud fat before we smelled it. God what did she eat?

Asher's face scrunched up in a constipated look and fanned his hands in front of his. Probably thinking it would take away the smell. Without saying another word he rushed out of the door.

I would have laughed at the look on his face if I myself wasn't suffering from that girl's ass burps.

Blocking my nose with my hand I to rushed out of the bathroom. With a deep inhale I praised the Lord for saving me from her poop smell.

The bell suddenly rang for lunch. How long have Asher and I've been staring at each other? Why was he just staring at me anyway.

He surprisingly didn't say or do anything mean to me which is weird. That dude must be bipolar. With a huff I headed to the cafeteria. My pants was still wet from earlier and I was praying that no one would see it.
Oh who am I kidding,everyone will notice that huge wet patch on my ass

I looked at the disgusting food that was presented. My stomach churned in disgust as I forced out a kind smile to the lady who was giving it out.

I held my tray up to accept it. As soon as the smell hit my nose I was ready to barf. With a cringe I headed to the lunch tables.

I saw Asher and his friends sitting in the middle of the cafeteria.  Their table was filled with jocks and cheerleaders, all laughing at a joke Asher made.

Shelly sat on his lap feeding him fries. Her long pointy manicured nails touching his lips. I winced as they poked his lips making him pull back his head to glare at her.

Wasn't she ashamed for what he told her in the bathroom? I rolled my eyes at their stupid affection while trying to avoid passing by them and getting notice.

Luck wasn't on my side today because as soon as I thought about avoiding them blue orbs fell into mine. Shelly must've seen Asher look at me because she to turned around an spotted me. Her face turned in hatred before she got up.

I don't know what happened to me but my feet seemed to be glued to the floor as they refused to move.

She stopped before me and gave me one of the sweetest smiles she could muster before  taking my lunch and throw it in my face. Feeling the sauceburn my eyes, I tried to wipe it off with my shirt.

Some mashed potatoes even got stuck in my nose making it hard to breathe through it. Everywhere was silent until everyone burst with laughter.
Soom took pictures of my embarrassed state.

"That's what you get for disturbing Asher and I Bitch" she sneered her eyes held mockery before she flipped her hair back in a sassy move.

I heard a chair scrape the tiled floor and someone stomped towards us. I looked at Asher as he stood in between Shelly and I his form seething with anger.

"Shelly sit the fuck down!" Asher got in her face screaming. She shrank back before regaining her posture  and glared at him menacing

"Why do you defend her all of a sudden?" She angrily shouted back.  Her head looking around his body to glare at me

"Because she has had enough, leave her alone"He gritted out angrily. Face red with rage as his muscles tensed
She looked at him in astonishment before composing herself.

Everyone became silent including me as we stared at him. No one dared to defy him as he sent a menacing glare to everyone.

He looked at them with a mean on his face and yelled at them to mind their business. With a frightened look everyone turned around and did exactly that.

With a huff Shelly angrily walked out of the cafeteria but not before brushing me to a side. I stumbled a little at her harsh treatment before steadying myself . Asher looked down at me with an expectant look on his face.

Was he expecting a thank you for defending me? Because that was hardly a defending,and there is no way I would thank that monster for he is way worse than Shelly.

"Well aren't you going to clean up? You look like a jackass with all that food on your face" he told me

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