First Day Of School

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I woke up on the following Monday and put on my emerald green dress, I've almost got the knack at putting on the corset. I walked downstairs for breakfast. I sat down at the table in the middle of Father and New Mama. 

"Good morning Mother, good morning Father." I said cheerfully. 

"It certainly is a good morning Martha." New Mama agreed. 

"Eat up your porridge then go put on your shoes because you’re going to school." Father told me. 

"Yes Father." I said. 

I ate my porridge quickly then raced upstairs, holding my skirt. I pulled open my cupboard and got out my shoes. I ran back downstairs and back into the dining room where New Mama and Father were talking. Father acknowledged that I was there by saying. "Good to see your ready." 

He stood up from his chair and said "Well I'm off to work see you both later." 

As he walked passed me he kissed me on the head and left. Five minutes later New Mama said to me "Well Martha you don't want to be late on your fist day." 

"Alright Mother, I'll go now." I said. 

I opened the door and left the house for the day.

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Outside I looked left and right before actually walking the way that I had been to told to go. I had only gone past a few houses when I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around and saw a boy that had brown, curly hair. I stopped walking, turned around and asked him "Who are you and why are you following me?" 

"Hello, my names Bobby Winters, and the reason that I am following you is because I've got to go to school to." Bobby told me "Who are you?" 

"My names Mar..." I stopped halfway through my sentence because I realised that my Southampton accent was slowly being replaced by an American one. 

"My names Martha Watson." I finished. 

"Then how come I saw you coming out of the Rivers house?" Bobby asked. 

"The Rivers?" I said giving him a questioning look.

'Yeah them" He said. 

"Oh you mean Bruce and Elizabeth." I said  

"Yeah." He said.

"Well their my Mother and Father and they adopted me two days ago." I said 

"How come when they adopted you they didn't change your last name." Bobby asked.

"I suppose they did but I'm still going to use Watson." I told him. 

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The conversation continued like that till we got to school. The school was a building that was made of red bricks and had two windows on each wall. It had twenty desks, all in neat little rows. Bobby sat down at one of desks and I asked him if I could sit at the next to him, he said sure. Five minutes later the teacher walked in and stared to write on the chalkboard at the front of the room. The teacher wrote math questions on the board then told us to write the answers in our school books. That is where the first problem of the day accured I didn't have any school books. So I stuck my hand up in the air and the teacher said "What is it?"

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