Stupid Fan Theories

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This whole thing shouldn't bother him at all. Firstly, Armys or any KPop fan bases are known for weird and crazy theories about their favorite idols. This is just another theory that may have gotten a little popular during their recent comeback. And secondly, this should not bother him at all. True or not, this should not affect him at all. I mean, why would it?

It started with one video on youtube. Just one random video suggestion while he was listening to new 88rising songs: Namjin Moments that Give Me Life. The thumbnail was that "kiss" between Namjoon and Jin hyung. Yoongi rolled his eyes. He almost closed the tab, but curiosity got to him at the last moment. He clicked on the heavily edited thumbnail, filled with flowers and what not. The video started to play... and it was just a compilation of little moments between those two. Nothing special.

Yoongi sighed. He was a little annoyed at himself for being too relieved after watching this. Then, he made the mistake of scrolling down to the comment section while the video was still playing.

"Jin is married to RM"
"My ultimate OTP!!!"
"The way they behave around each other... hnngggg"
"These two are obv in love <3"
"6:45 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

"What the fuck?", the last one struck a nerve. Yoongi clicked on the time stamp. The video quickly moved to a clip of Namjoon accidently moving his hand towards Jin's ass. Emphasis on the "accidently".

Yoongi grunted as his eyes moved towards more suggestions on the right panel of the page. More videos of the so called "Namjin".

This should not bother him. Should not bother him at all.

Namjoon and Jin hyung are not a couple. Namjoon likes girls. A little too much when you consider his sex life and porn preferences.

Jin hyung likes girls too. I mean, he has seen hyung flirting with girls. Of course the girls are the ones who mostly make the first approach, which should not be a surprise since hyung is one of the most beautiful people on earth. "It's not just me who thinks that. Everyone agrees with the handsomeness of Seokjin.", Yoongi defended his own thoughts.

There have also been many dates he has seen Jin hyung going through. He always expected the elder to be in a good old long term relationship. But there were always new girls. "I haven't found the right girl yet", Jin hyung laughed whenever Tae or Hobi would ask him about his love life. Yoongi never asked anything.

They don't have to know everything about each other. They already have been roommates for years. Even though they are in separate rooms now, Yoongi still has all his clothes in Jin hyung's room. He doesn't remember how did that happen. They are already way too much aware of each other. Too much familiarity.

Apparently, not enough to be "shipped" with each other. It's Namjoon, instead of him.

Why is he even thinking about this?? Yoongi sighed and banged his head on the back of the couch. Two weeks of watching the first Namjin video, he is watching another one, yet again.

"Ooo! This one's really good. Our hyung do look like a couple here".

Yoongi was startled and looked at the over enthusiast JK.

"You watch these?"

"What's it with that tone? You have been watching these army fan videos for few days hyung", tsked JK.

Yoongi grunted.

"Of course I watch all sort of weird and funny shit our fans upload, not just Namjn ones. Don't think this is the first time I have noticed your browser tabs"

"Fuck off"

JK winked.

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