A Job Well Done

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Anadil is waiting for them when they get back, early the next morning. She sits on the empty bar with a bottle of whiskey and a pot of coffee, and greets them with a casual attitude that suggests she knows exactly where they've been and what they've been doing.

Agatha doesn't look at all surprised. Hester tells Anadil everything, and they all know it.

"Job well done?"

"He's dead, if that's what you mean." Hester mutters, accepting the proffered coffee. Agatha doesn't respond- she's been silent almost the whole remainder of the night, and Hester knows better than to nag at her when she's like that.

Especially with who the situation concerns.

"Coffee, boss?" offers Anadil. Agatha shakes her head vaguely.

"I'm good. I gotta-"

Something crashes backstage.

Hester's immediately tense, hand flying to her gun, but Agatha waves her off, almost absent-mindedly.

"Don't bother. It's Meredith."

"Meredith? How'd you know that?"

"Saw him goin' back in, just now, when you were checkin' the car. Saw us and scarpered."

"Where's he been, then?"

"His old man's." she answers immediately.

Hester goggles at her, somewhere between amazed and exasperated.

"How do you even know this shit-"

"Because I watch people, Hester." Snaps Agatha. "When we came back down I saw he'd changed back into normal clothes, it couldn't be anywhere else- his stage clothes are a decent disguise, so he wouldn't need to change unless he was going to see someone who didn't know about his little side job... and his old man keeps funny hours. Probably all that Foxwood coffin varnish."

"Arthur Pendragon gets drink from Foxwood?" splutters Hester. "What's he doin' drinkin' himself unconscious? He raids speakeasies!"

"Sure he does, but he's rich, ain't he?" yawns Agatha. "Normal rules don't apply to him, because he can pay 'em off. He just won't let us have our fun. Or most of us, anyway. Foxwood won't be raided by him, that's for damned sure, not while they're puttin' all that drink in his glass. And he won't be catchin' me, I can guarantee that."

Apparently concerned that the conversation was over, she starts to head off, leaving Hester utterly exasperated behind her.

"You comin' tonight?" demands Anadil. "Dot's bringin' in the new shipment."

Agatha glances over her shoulder at them.

"Yeah, funnily enough, I already knew about that. Maybe because it's my liquor, comin' in on my orders?"

"You're such a killjoy." Anadil flings her legs onto the bar, stretching like a cat. Hester can't help but admire the way she defies the respect that Agatha usually commands. "Maybe we wanna see you, ever consider that?"

Agatha ignores her last comment.

"I'm showin'." She confirms. "But only cause I got a couple things to find out. And if the liquor ain't up to standard, someone's bein' taken for a ride, you hear?"

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