Chapter 7

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 Y/L/N = Your last name

Taehyung, of course being Taehyung, took Y/N to a Gucci store nearest to her apartment.

"OK, if you like wearing oversized sweaters, you should pair them skinny jeans or leggings. And if you like to wear mom jeans, pair it up with a tight shirt instead. You can also wear a denim jacket over the shirt if you like," Taehyung instructed like a teacher, sharing his knowledge of fashion with a blinking, nodding Y/N.

He was amazed as to how beautiful she looked in, literally anything she wore – jeans, jackets, shirts, shoes, blouses, dresses, heels, belts.

To Taehyung, the girl made the clothes look beautiful instead of the clothes making her look beautiful.

Each time he puts together an outfit and each time she comes out of the changing room looking stunning, innocent eyes, curiosity painted on her face, nervousness on every step she takes.

"How do I look?" she would ask, and Taehyung couldn't describe, so he just patted her on the shoulder and handed her the next outfit to try on.

Every time she changed clothes it was like seeing different sides of Y/N: either she looked cute, or girly, or stylish, or edgy. Whatever she surprised him with as she comes out of the changing room, Taehyung greets and accepts it with open arms.

Half of the day was spent with her trying on clothes that Taehyung picks out. In the end, Y/N gets more than ten outfits for free and Taehyung gets the biggest smile on his face.

They were heading home. Taehyung paid the cab (ignoring Y/N's protests yet again), and held her hand tightly as he walked carefully to the lobby with the blind girl.

He never let go of her hand ever when they were outside. He held it when leaving the house in the cab, to the store, and while looking at the clothes. During the try on, he waited for her close in front of the changing room. After she had worn every outfit, he held her hand again as he went to pay for the clothes, to the cab ride back home, and now as he walked on the dingy lobby.

The uninterested watchman that Taehyung had first seen when he came here had popped up from his chair with the creepiest smile he had ever seen.

"Miss Y/L/N! Let me help you up the stairs!"

Taehyung wanted to knock that perverted smile off of the guy's face. He held Y/N's hand tighter and pulled her closer to his shoulders as he directed the deadliest glare he could give to the old watchman.

"She has me to help her up the stairs thank you."

He hurriedly walked the length of the lobby rushing Y/N in front of him and up the steps, glaring frostily at the watchman as he did so.

When they reached her apartment he complained like a small kid:

"Do you have to live here? Its so dark and gloomy here! And that watchman is the worst guy I have met! The security here is trash! That watchman was looking at you in such a horrible way! Why don't you find another place? I bet –"

Sadly, all whatever Taehyung was complaining about sounded like utter trash to Y/N.

"The watchman always helps me up he stairs," she said, nonchalantly.

"You never take help from him again!" Taehyung almost yelled.


They were arranging Y/N's closet, since Taehyung had bought quite a few clothes for her today.

"I kept all the combinations of clothes in separate piles, so you can just pick one up and put it on." Taehyung said and Y/N smiled gratefully. He didn't tell her this but he hid away all the ugly sweaters and mom jeans at the back of the closet.

"Thanks so much!" Y/N said, "I had so much fun with you today."

Taehyung hadn't blushed this hard before. Even though his crazy heart was making it hard, he tried to play it cool. 

"Of course you did! You hung out with the great Kim Taehyung!"

"Yeah yeah, great Kim Taehyung. When are you going to tell me your real name?"

Taehyung was so confused.

"What do you mean. Kim Taehyung, that's my name."

"Your name," Y/N raised one eyebrow, "come one, you really think I believe that you are Kim Taehyung?'

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