Fireworks And Glass Flowers

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Four years and ten months ago

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Four years and ten months ago.

Autumn had fallen. Sanem could feel it against her skin, the sun too weak against layers of cold in the mist of the morning, goosebumps forming on her arms as she watched the others prepare the tender to head to the mainland. The last reminder of the home she'd once known sat purring beside her as Sanem turned to look back at the city.

There was something eerily captivating about it as she watched, something that reminded her of the first time she'd stared upon a bee's nest as a child. Humming with a living, breathing energy that she could hear - that she could feel, even seated a fair distance away as she was. And once again, Sanem was feeling a reckless and nagging desire to get closer, the curious part of her brain wanting to pry it open and explore inside. Perhaps, this time, she wouldn't get stung.

But the select few who had been chosen to venture inland had already gathered and the roles for the expedition divided. Most of the crew had to stay behind with the ship, or else there was a more than likely chance it wouldn't be there when they got back. Logically, Sanem had understood and agreed with that decision.

And yet, she sat trying to convince herself that it was really, actually, nothing to be missing out on, her legs dangling over the side of the deck in a manner that would have given her mother a heart attack, as she distracted herself by running a hand through Gypsy's fur.

The group would be back by nightfall. That was the order Can had given, an easy ten hours for Guliz to gather her medical supplies with Muzo, for Metin and Deren to venture to the food market, and Can - well, Sanem wasn't exactly sure what Can was planning on doing. But despite the instruction, the ship wouldn't be setting sail again until the following morning, an order that had been greeted by an unusually excited energy from the crew. Sanem was still trying to figure out why.

She heard Can approach before she saw him, his familiar footfalls against the wooden deck as he emerged from the cabins and headed towards the gathering group leaving for the city. He rummaged through the bag over his shoulder, dispersing the necessary funds before taking roll call with his eyes. It only took a moment. His list was short, but it seemed shorter than he'd expected.

She tried not to watch as he wavered, glancing around as if someone was missing.

His eyes met hers. Something making her chest rush as his searching expression turned softer, though she wasn't sure if it was him, or the suggestive look Deren was trying to send from behind the captain's shoulder. But truthfully, Sanem hadn't really been looking at the playful redhead.

"Are you coming?" He asked her gently, the words an offer as much as a question.

Sanem started, she hadn't been expecting to. "Am I?"

"Do you want to?" The barest hint of a smile playing across his face.

She found herself standing before she'd even answered the question. "Okay."

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