Lincoln Campbell: Age 18

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Graduation was only a few weeks away and Lincoln could hardly wait. He had finished up his SATs and he couldn't wait to get out and head off to college. He was ready to get out of his house and into the world. His only real concern was his girlfriend, Jenny. She was taking a gap year while he was heading off to the University of Cincinnati.

"All I'm saying is that I won't be too far away. We can stay together! I'll come home on the weekends and stuff." They were taking a walk to the park Lincoln used to go to as a kid. He wanted to share his favorite spot with Jenny before they had to go their separate ways. She had been in a pretty bad mood lately and he thought a change of space would cheer her up.

"You brought me to a tree?" Jenny's voice came out sharp. "What's so special about a tree?"

Lincoln winced a little bit. He had hoped this tree would bring them together and maybe bring out Jenny's softer side.

"It's my favorite place," Lincoln tried his best to keep his voice calm. He knew that getting defensive would only make Jenny more upset. "I like to look through the branches and find patterns in the clouds." Lincoln ducked under a branch and pulled the redhead along with him. When they both had a seat under the branches, Lincoln pointed up. "See? That one is a rabbit." He turned towards Jenny, a small smile on his face.

"It's a cloud." Jenny threw her red curls over her shoulder and scoffed. Shaking her head at Lincoln, she brushed off her jeans. "I can't believe you brought me here. I'm covered in dirt. I'll see you later, Linc."

And with that, she stalked off towards the park entrance. Lincoln let out a sigh as he leaned back against the tree. If he were honest with himself, he knew that this day was coming. He never really loved Jenny, he always felt there was something missing. Still, he did like her, and he didn't want her to be upset.

Lincoln was startled out of his thoughts when he heard a cell phone ring nearby. The phone belonged to a girl about his age with pretty dark hair. He cocked his head to one side. Something about the girl seemed familiar. She almost reminded him of an old friend, Skye. He hadn't seen her in a couple years. Could that be her?

Lincoln made a move to stand up and go talk to the girl, but just as he did the girl ran off towards a van parked a little bit away from the tree. She turned around once and Lincoln wondered if she really was Skye. But just as fast, the girl hopped in the van and drove off.

Lincoln sat back down under the branches feeling defeated. Why were girls always running away from him or disappearing into thin air?

He took one last deep breath before getting up to go after Jenny. Skye might not be real, but Jenny sure was and he could at least make things right with her.


(Sorry for the late update. I've been sick this week and it really threw me off my game. I'm hoping to update this one again next Friday or Saturday. If you are reading Second Gen, there should be an update on Monday or Tuesday! Thank you loves have a wonderful day ☺️)

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