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A Little Misunderstanding

Prompt : #101

Pairing: Onew/Jonghyun

Rating: Mature

Genre: Romance, slice of life

Tropes: University AU

Trigger Warnings: N/A

Prompt Summary: Jonghyun needs to thank his fairy good mother because of his failing chemistry exam, he could get closer to the popular Lee Jinki in his campus.

Required Content: some smut and endgame jongyu

Absolute No’s: free game


Today is Friday. 

And Friday means hanging out with friends, Friday means marathoning nice tv shows or some disney movies, Friday means that Jonghyun could sleep late without bothering to think that he has to wake up for morning class. 

Friday has always been great for him, but today Jonghyun isn’t sure about that right now, because he will face the result of his chemistry class. He just definitely sure that he will be failing on the chemistry subject, and Jonghyun isn’t very keen on that thought. 

His mind could already processing on the angry expression of Mrs. Park, his chemistry professor. Jonghyun is doing so well in another subject, but just not chemistry apparently. 

Surely Mrs. Park already have something planned for Jonghyun because he keeps failing her subject, he just knows that the Professor would do something because she didn’t want Jonghyun to keep failing. Some of her previous students actually got better because of her secret plans, but the plans keep changing. 

Smiling nervously at the sight of the sour expression on Mrs. Park, Jonghyun then sighed hard. All he did was just entering the classroom and Mrs. Park’s deathly stare already gets on him. Pretty sure he needs to stay behind after the lecture ends. 

After around one hour and a half later, he stared at the paper with a big F in red ink in front of him. The blond already expected this and he shouldn’t feel surprised anymore when the results are out. 

With a big gulp, Jonghyun approached Mrs. Park, who had been waiting for him while folding her hands. From afar he could even hear the disappointed sigh from her and Jonghyun feels like he just wants to jump out to a random hole. 

“Jonghyun,” the lecturer began. “I… honestly didn’t know what I should do…” 

Biting his lip out of reflex, Jonghyun finally had the courage to look at Mrs. Park on the eye. His lips opened as he managed to murmured a small, “Sorry.” 

“It’s okay.” she nodded in understanding, chemistry subject isn’t for anyone, and she had a fair amount of struggling times too once she’s still in college before. “Maybe you didn’t find my method of lecturing to be comfortable, and that’s why I’ve already assigned someone to tutor you.” 

Maybe it’s too early to say goodbye to all the Friday fun times, but Jonghyun’s mind already processing that thoughts right now. No more marathoning movies, no more hanging out with friends, just say no more to all the fun times because he has to focus on the chemistry subject. 

"I hope you're okay and accept the new tutor. He's very good at tutoring and from what I've heard, all his students passed the grade after the tutoring session with him." Mrs. Park explained and Jonghyun could only nodded at her words, his mind already busy swimming in the ocean of bad thoughts. 

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