Chapter 11 (Part 3): The Retraction of Promise

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I turn around only to see a group of bitches gathered together. Them lots are holding a tennis racket each and a basket full of Riding Hood's sins ready to attack me anytime. And of course, yours truly isn't the type to hold back from fights. Whether it be a spank or a fist fight, I will bring home the bacon. 

"Aren't you scared, little hussy?" in the name of the streetlight glittering the whole auditorium with its presence, I get to see a glimpse of the perpetrator bitch for an instance. Red hair....where have I seen this again? Oh! That bitch who called the sting ray when I first arrived there in their classroom! I see.

So them niggas after my head? Lol.

"Show this woman who's the boss here gals." the other bitches started laughing as they throw a ball after the other one to me with them rackets. The balls does hurt and no matter how much I try to dodge them, they will come at me in all directions possible. I cover my head. Its hard to know where they're coming when the light is too dim to see anything. Does this....

Right. Why didn't I notice too earlier? Its not that they have night vision or anything like that. Its only that I'm in the spotlight that they get to hit me. I have to move from my position. A ball then hit my stomach. Shit!

(Cough) "Have you learned your lesson yet, bitch?" the woman asked. (Spit) "Luis does not belong to a trash like you. Remember that." she added. "So, what do I have to do with him? Do I have to care for more?" the hell am I? his babysitter? "Luis is the sole heir of Jack Hibari's empire. He doesn't have time to spare for a woman like you teaching him how to be a lazy man. I hate to see him be incapable of being the best man he can be just because of a woman like you. Stay away from him. This is your final warning, girl."  "Ahahahahaha."bitch.

"Final warning? You've gotta be shitting me. Who the hell died and made you king to tell me how he should deal with his life? And why are you telling me this? Is he incapable of deciding his own future that you'll have to protect his chastity like a mom?" "What did you just say? This man have to have the best in life and we gave up on him all for the sake of hid good future as a man of his standing-" "Tell you what. He is the only one in control of his own life. He gets to decide what shit he wants to do for his life. He's not a freaking infant who needs to be guided. He has his own feet to help him move forward. The way I see it, he doesn't need anyone to tell him what he should do, because he's smarter than any of you. If you like him, why don't you come straight to his face and say what you wanted to say? You're all cowards beating around the bush so don't make light of someone else's judgement just because they don't agree with yours." "Who the hell wants to hear your opinion bi-"still arguing? "Shut the fuck up and let me talk, bitch. William Luis Hibari is William Luis Hibari. I don't care if he's rich or poor. We all have choices." With them stunned like the indecisive fool they are, I had the chance to analyze their position while I was talking reasons. A sound of a swift ball comin my way made me turn. Call it my animal instinct talent when I managed to grab the ball by a hand. I can hear you. This time, you won't hit me anymore.

"What?! Her movements!" I gather the ball they throw at me and get myself behind each of them who threw the same ball. Don't get me wrong. I'm against killing. I only hit them with their balls enough to put them to sleep. I still got a few bitches to go.....huh? Is this blood? Geez...I feel sleepy.

Carlos's POV

I watch as the young lord load the tranquilizer gun he requested me to bring as soon as his classes end. I wonder at first where or to whom he needed those. Now I realize. The young miss down the auditorium together with some female students is falling down. The young lord's surprised expression after the young miss's speech about him is the first for me too. Hearing a stranger talk about him that way must've delighted him greatly. No. It doesn't feel like it's just the small talk she made. It must be her and her heart that warmed up a cold man like him. His expression changed however after seeing the young miss's forehead stained with blood. Oh no, looks like she's in deep trouble,but so are them.

My lord aimed and shoot at the remaining girls standing. Soon, they fell asleep one by one with the leader girl being the last to be put to sleep without seeing the face of the shooter.

"Carlos" he called. I came down with him to the location of the sleeping bodies. He carried the body of the miss to the car as he said to me "Throw the bodies of those bitches on the garbage site." sigh. I kind of agree "But how will their parents react when they realize that their child is actually at the garbage site in the middle of the night?" "Let them look."was all he replied to me. A dew minutes later, I found myself and us inside the car to the mansion. The lord carried the unconscious miss in the vacant room of the house. 

The lord arranged for a family doctor and even went as far as to fabricate the whereabouts of the miss to her family and to the teachers. Why he isn't the genius heir of the master for nothing. The young lord spent his days out from school only to come to the room where she remain unconscious for three days. When she finally woke up, we sent her home after she had a talk with the young lord. She agreed not to tell a single word about the incident that might sent her family to worry.

But not long after and a couple of weeks before their graduation, something happened.


Alice's POV

(Slam!) The sound of the locker surprised me. Francis cornered me in the locker room of the university after I found him sitting with a piece of something in his hand. His sweet gaze turned into a glare that I've never seen before and in all honesty, I don't know what's going on to him. "YOU!!" my eyes widen. What? Francis?

"Just because our breaks do not collide. just because our schedules are on odd, just because you happen to meet that guy, you've already forgotten all about us?!" he angry at me? What are you saying? Even though I fancy him a fair bit, I still chose to stay by your side because I know it would be unfair for me to go and break our promise. The promise we made together that I strive so hard to keep. I fooled myself a thousand times that even if I can't show my untamed side to you, as long as we're together, I'll act how you wanted me to be because....because I promised you.. I...

"I didn't..." my tears won't stop falling at his every accusation of jealousy towards a friend. "Of course. He's handsome right? He's rich" "No! That's not.." "Did he bought you already? Can't you see that money alone has made him dirty? He was only playing with you! Are you perhaps his bitch now?" "No Francis, stop this! This isn't you!" 

"He's poisoned you. No, this isn't right." his eyes scanned the surroundings. What are you looking for? "Francis?" I have a bad feeling about this. 

His eyes...are dark.



He pinned me down the floor. "Francis?"

"I'll make you mine before he could take you away. Before the devil consume you, I will deliver you from him." Eh? Francis? "Wha- Please...n-no! Help!" I shouted but he covered my mouth with his. I struggle hard but his strength is too much for me. My head feel dizzy again. Damn, why do I have to feel this pain again? "....sorry" is the only word I get to hear before I feel the lull to sleep right after....he took everything from me.


Creator's Space (The Milky Way): Finally........FINISHED! on this chapter! Next will be the revelation of OUR William's sins. Yeah... I'm talking bout his lies that started THIS rivalry. <3 I'm so tired now so the next up will be 2-3 days from now. Need break from work too.bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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