It's all fun and games until someone shoots their eye out

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"I'm going to beat him with every inch of his life!" Christine yelled.

"You will do no such thing," Kate told her.

"Look at me, Kate! He put food dye in my shampoo," Christine proclaimed as she pointed to her hair, which was green.

"It will wash out, eventually," Kate replied with a shrug.

"Ugh," Christine groaned as she stomped to her bedroom.

In case you're wondering, those are two of my older sisters. Yeah, I put food dye in Christine's shampoo and other colors. I chose a green this time. I enjoy riling her up. It keeps things interesting. Hell, I enjoy riling up all my siblings.

"Carri!" Mason shouted as I walked out of my bedroom and over to the railing of the second floor.

"Yeah, Mas," I answered.

Mason waved his finger at me, beckoning me to him. I sighed as I went downstairs. Mason is the oldest and in charge of all of us since our parents died. He deals with all of us, which includes, Kate, Charles, Theresa, Joseph, Christine, myself, and Elliot. There's at least one or two years difference in our ages. We all live with Mason and his wife Luciana, who we affectionately refer to as Luci.

I reached the main floor and strolled over to Mason.

"I received word from the school; they suspended you again. Care to explain why?" Mason asked, displeased.

"They need to chill out," I answered with a shrug.

"Putting super glue on a teacher's seat is not chilling out or causing mass destruction with pies," Mason informed me.

"What's wrong with pies? Everyone likes pie, especially coconut cream," I told Mason.

Mason wasn't amused. He's never delighted. He needs a sense of humor.

"Look, I'm warning you to get your shit together, or I will be forced to send you to military school," Mason warned me.

I gave Mason a look as he walked away from me. Mason wasn't one to play with us. If we did something wrong, he would handle it accordingly.

"I see you're at it again," Charles said from the living room as I turned and faced him.

I walked towards Charles as he sat on the couch and sat down on the arm of it. "People are too serious at that damn school," I told Charles.

"Carri, you have a few months left before you graduate Saintwood," Charles reminded me.

"Then I grow up to be a boring-ass adult, oh joy," I said, rolling my eyes. Charles gave me a sympathetic look.

"It's not the first time Saintwood will survive a Jones and won't be the last," Charles informed me.

"Doubtful," I sighed.

"Hang in there. Now excuse me, I have to meet up with Greg, Frank, and Maurice," Charles said as he got up and left. Greg Hartley, Frank Shaw, and Maurice Frazier are guys Charles hung with growing up. They seem like decent guys, but each had an issue. Greg likes to gamble, Maurice likes to drink, and Frank likes the girls.

The biggest problem is Maurice belongs to the Frazier family, who our family does business with from time to time. I didn't care for the Frazier's. I felt they were underhanded with their dealings.

"Off the arm of the couch. We're you born in the wild?" Luci asked, walking into the room.

"That is Joseph," I retorted as I got off the arm of the couch. Luci looked at me with that look I knew too well. I walked over to her.

"Carri, your brother, wants the best for all of you," Luci mentioned.

"Mason wants us to live a boring ass life as he does. I'm not into boring. I prefer fun. Life is to live not to exist," I informed her.

"Such a free spirit you are. I admire that about you," Luci said as I smiled.

It was true. I was a free spirit, while my siblings had their qualities about them. I walked away from Luci and went out back to find Joseph talking to animals. Welcome to the animal kingdom and the animal whisperer.

"Are you speaking to your woodland creatures? The last time I checked, you're not Snow White or Cinderella," I said to Joseph.

Joseph gave me an annoyed look.

"Carri, you would do well to spend time in nature. It clears the mind and the soul," Joseph told me.

"Yo, Grizzly Adams, I'm not into your hippy ways, and I'm not hugging a damn tree," I retorted as Joseph rolled his eyes.

I will never understand how my brother turned out to be a hippy. He missed the sixties since he wasn't born yet.

A knife came flying past my head and landed into a bird as Joseph yelled, "Listen to you, psychopath, no one has time for your bullshit!"

Elliot walked over and yanked his knife out of a bird and wiped it off on the grass.

"Joseph, you should know birds carry diseases like most of the people our family deals with business," Elliot said, standing up and looking at Joseph.

"That's the problem with this family; they don't value human life," Joseph grumbled.

"Only because you believe there's good in people when there isn't. I'm the youngest, and even I know this," Elliot told Joseph.

"Fine, then you can deal with Christine," Joesph threatened as Elliot glared at him.

Did I mention my brothers were insane? You have Mason, who is head of the family, Charles, who was doing some shady shit, Joseph, who is the resident hippy, and Elliot, who's a psycho. Then you have me who prefers to have fun.

I left my brothers to bicker as I went inside the house. Theresa walked into the kitchen as I entered the house.

"I see you're at it again," Theresa said. I shrugged. "Carri, one day, you will realize that not everything is fun and games." Theresa poured a cup of coffee.

"Theresa, Dad liked a good joke next to anyone. This family is too serious," I reminded her.

"You're like Dad," Theresa smiled. That made me feel good. I was the most like our father, which irked the others. "Remember that one day, you'll meet someone, and they may not take kindly to your pranks."

"I doubt it," I said as Theresa looked at me.

Most girls worried too much about insignificant things and didn't enjoy themselves. Unless I found someone that understood me, I prefer to be single.

Welcome to the story, everyone is waiting for Carrington, which is the story of Carrington Jones and a unique character's father. If you read Saintwood, then you know who that character is. If not, I won't spoil it for you, and neither will anyone else.

Keep in mind this is before the fearsome three arrive, but they will make their appearance at some point.

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