somebody that you loved// George Smith

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Never thought that we would fall apart but loving you just broke my heart

Wed been arguing way too much. Too much to the point that the relationship just became toxic and it couldn't go back to how it was before. He was going on tour in less that a week which just made everything more pressurising. It broke my heart to think that there could possibly be no more of us left but if it's for the best then it was inevitable. He was currently out with reece and Blake and wouldn't be back for another two hours or so, so I decided to invite my best friend over. She had my back and I had hers. There wasn't anything that could change that. 
---time skip---
We were sat on the couch watching a movie when I got a phone call from George,

"Hey we're gonna head to a club for a bit and I'll seen you when I get home"
"Yeah do you have a problem with me going out?"
"You know I don't have a problem I'd just like the spend some time with you that's all"
I sighed and put the phone down before telling sinead I was heading to bed. She'd always let herself out so it wasn't anything new. Although I couldnt fall sleep without him beside me, it seemed to be impossible.

I needed his arms around me, knowing I was safe with him. But he was at a club doing god knows what, with who knows.

It wasn't until about 2 am that i got a phone call from Blake telling me to pick George up because he was drunk and couldn't make his own way home.
I got out of bed and slipped an oversized jumper and some converse on before grabbing my car keys and driving to the location. Surely enough there was reece, Blake and George who was puking his guts up from the alcohol.

"Thank you for coming. I would've bought him back myself but he was being stubborn"
"It's okay. Just help me get him in the car please?"

Once we managed to get George in the car I put his seat belt on and drove home. The drive home was short and quiet, making it somewhat awkward. I parked the car in the driveway making sure to leave enough space for George's when I pick it up tomorrow  and took him inside. Before I managed to close the door he collapsed to the floor, instantly snoring. I knew I wasn't going to be able to carry him up the stairs when he's asleep so I got a blanket and put it over him, leaving him near the front door before going upstairs stop bed again.

--time skip to the next morning--
I woke up to the sun shining through he blinds and a hand around my waist, so I guessed George woke up and got himself up the stairs. I looked over at him and his hair was messy and he didn't have a top on. It was moments like this when I wish we didn't argue as much as we did, I really did love him but it was just getting too much to handle.
"Good morning love"
"Good morning George"
He slowly opened his eyes before smiling at me.
"You're cute, but why was I asleep on the floor last night?"
"You went to a club, got absolutely shitfaced and I had to pick you up. Before I could get you upstairs to fell sleep and I can't get you upstairs on my own"
Wow, that was all I get. Not even a thank you for helping me for anything like that. I don't even know why I bothered with him half of the time.
"I'm going to shower, I'll make breakfast when I'm done"
I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

--time skip---
It was around lunch time and George was playing a game on my phone whilst I was doing some work on my laptop.
"Who's bobbie?"
"My friend why?"
"Why do they have three heart eye emojis and a wedding ring next to it?"
"Why are you asking so many questions?"
"Because I'm curious" (a/n i read this back and realised I made a curios George joke without knowing)
"Are you cheating on me?"
"Wow way to be straightforward huh?"
"Well are you?"
"No George I'm not. You know I wouldn't be that low to actually cheat on someone. Why the hell do you not trust me?"
"So who is this mystery bobbie then amend why is he sending you kisses?"
"SHE is sending me kisses because SHE's my friend"
"Oh bullshit  you don't send that many kisses to a friend"
"Mate listen she's married, okay. And even if she wasn't, she doesn't go for girls as well like I do. Okay. I'm not cheating on you so get over yourself!"

I walked off before I said something else that I regret. This wasn't what I wanted to do everyday. I wanted to sit and cuddle with him and watch movies, not have a screaming contest when one of us didn't get our own way.

A few hours passed and I decided to go downstairs and apologise to George for going off at him.
"George can we talk?"
He didn't reply.
He was seriously giving me the silent treatment.
"Fine two can play that game. See if you wanna talk to me when I aint here no more"

I walked upstairs grabbing my suitcase from under the bed and throwing all of my clothes in it, along with the photos that I had printed out of me and George.

--George's pov---
"What are you doing?"
"I'm leaving George. You leave for tour soon and I'm clearly in your way of being happy. We've been arguing for too long now"
"We can work through this. Please baby don't leave"

I noticed a few years slipping down her face , even though she was looking down as if she didn't want me to notice.

"That's what we said last time George. How long did that last? Barely a week. I love you with every piece of my being but I'm clearly not the one to make you happy"

"But you do make me happy. So happy. You don't even know"
"But we can't even go a day without arguing George. it's getting out of hand. I'll always love you and we can still be friends but I think we just need to stop rhos from going any further before one day one of us takes it too far and gets hurt, not just emotionally"

"If that's what you want, then I will have to respect that"
I was trying my hardest not to cry infront of her. I was supposed to be to the strong one. I couldnt help it. I let a tear fall down my face as I watched her pack the last of  her clothes.
"We'll talk after you come back from tour but for now I guess this is goodbye"
"No it can't be goodbye because goodbye means forever and I want to get through this  because I don't want to lose you"
"You won't lose me George, even if we're not dating we're still gonna be friends"

She stood up, only just coming to my chest. I pulled her into a gentle hug wrapping my arms around her shoulders, whilst she wrapped her arms around my waist.
"I love you, and I always will"
"I love you too George and I always will"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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