A Highschool Story

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Chapter 1
"Beep Beep" as Blues alarm goes off, seems like forever, finally her older sister Moxy comes in the room. " Blue get up your alarm has been going off for twenty minutes now." As Blue wakes up and looks at Moxy and asks "Why are you already ready for school?" Moxy rolls her eyes and closes the door. As Moxy is walking down stairs she yells, "Be ready in ten minutes!" Blue sits up in bed and looks at the alarm, " It's seven forty! School starts in twenty minutes!" She yells. Blue jumps out of bed and slips on some clothes. Brushes her hair, and teeth. Then grabs socks, and shoes and runs downstairs. First thing she sees is her younger brother Kai, he is eating breakfast and talking at the same time. While food is flying out of his mouth Blue grabs her backpack and waves to Mom and Kai. Once Blue hops into Moxy's car and they are pulling out of the driveway Blue yells, "Wait!" Moxy quickly looks at her and asks "What is it Blue?!" Blue opens the car door and runs in the house. Blue runs back out of the house and hops back into Moxy's car. "So what did you need to grab?" Moxy asked, Blue holds up her lunch box and says " I forgot my lunchbox" and smiles. Finally Moxy pulled up in front of the school and says, " Alright Blue your gonna do great! Your gonna meet new friends and maybe even get a boyfriend!" Blue looks at Moxy and says, "I got to go have a good day!" Moxy yells "You too!" And drives off. As Blue watches Moxy drive off she turns around and looks at the school. As she is walking to go inside of the building she accidentally bumps into this blonde, hazel eyed, pitbull. "Whoops, watch where your going." "Sorry" said Blue. "Are you new? You don't look anywhere near familiar."Asked the pitbull. "Yes I am" said Blue. "Where you from?" "Washington" Blue answered. "Oh cool, well my name is Dez and if you want any help with anything just ask." said Dez. "Alright thanks Dez!" As Blue is walking away she feels something tap her shoulder. She quickly turns around and Dez asked, " By the way I didn't get your name?" "Blue" answers Blue  Dez smiles and says " Nice name, Blue well I'll see you later I guess" Blue smiled back and said "ok bye Dez!" And walked into the building.

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