A Highschool Story

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Chapter 3
Once Blue got into her first class of the day she took a seat next to this white husky with one blue and one brown eye. On the other side of her was Drax the greatdane. "Hi my name is Blue" Drax looked down at Blue and said "Hi I'm Drax, are you new here?" Blue smiled and said " Ya!" Drax smiled back then someone put there paws on Drax's shoulders. Blue looked up and saw Gezabel the border collie. Blue was surprised when Gezabel said, "Drax what are you doing talking to.." Gezabel looked at Blue and asked, " What's your name new girl?" "Blue" answered Blue. Gezabel looked back at Drax and said, " Never talk to Blue again, alright?" Drax nodded nervously. Gezabel looked at Blue and said "You heard that Blue, never talk to Drax again." Gezabel laughed, took Drax by the paw and  walked to the back of the room with him and sat down. Blue turned to the white husky and said, "Hey" the husky looked at her and said, "Hello" Blue smiled and said "Whats your name? I'm Blue!" The husky looked at Blue again and said, "Koda" "Cool name." Said Blue. And right before Koda could say thanks, the teacher interrupted them and said "Good morning class! Now let's get started with the day!"

   After first class Blue sees Koda talking to this white pitbull and brown pitbull mix. She walks over to talk to Koda while the brown pitbull notices Blue and said "Hey Koda your girlfriend is here." Blue stoped confused and hears that Koda firmly said "she's not my girlfriend and never call her my girlfriend ever again!" The brown pitbull laughs and says "I saw the way you looked at her in class!" Koda rolled his eyes. While Blue caught up with them Blue said "Hey" the three dogs looked at her. The brown pitbull said "Hey I'm Coco, and over here is my boyfriend Peter." "Sup" said Peter. Blue waved back. "Do you guys want to sit next to me at lunch?" Asked Blue. "Of course not!" Said Peter, Koda and Coco laughed and all three of them walked away. Once lunch came around Blue walked into the lunchroom. She was that Milo, Enzo, and this younger German Shepherd where sitting at the table. Blue sat across from all three of them and said "Hey guys!" The German Shepherd smiled and said "Hi I'm Jay, and you are Blue, aren't you?" Confused Blue answered, " ya I am, how did you know?" Milo told the whole school about you. Blue laughed and looked at Milo who was eating a turkey sandwich. Blue looked over to Enzo who was eating a banana. Jay quickly said, " Any cute boys here?" Blue looked around and quietly said, " A couple why?" Jay laughed and replied " Just wondering"

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