A Highschool Story

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Chapter 2
As Blue is walking down the hallway to go to her class she spots this koolie with a white and brown coat. He notices Blue and says "Hey, is your name Blue?" With a surprise Blue says, " Yes I am, how do you know?" The koolie laughed and says, "oh well the principal told me to give you a tour around the school, is that okay?" "Sure" Blue replied. "Well my name is Milo" Blue smiled and said "nice to meet you Milo." "Follow me" he said. As Blue and Milo where walking down the hallway he starts naming off dogs and describing them. "Over there is Gezabel the border collie, she is queen of the school do not mess with her.There are rumors that she made out with Peter the pitbull while she was dating Drax the greatdane. He's the opposite of Gezabel, Drax is
a big softie." While Blue and Milo kept walking he pointed at this big dark German Shepherd, " That's Argus the German Shepherd." Milo said. He is on the football team and has made out with about every girl in this school." Blue looked at Argus then Milo and said, "He's pretty hot" Milo shook his head and kept walking. "Who's is that Aussie over there?" Blue asked. "That's Enzo, he's pretty cool you know?" Blue nodded. Then Milo said "That's Dez the pitbull" Blue quickly interrupted him and said, " I know I met him this morning he's pretty nice." Milo nodded and said "ya well he plays with girls hearts." " I bet not!" Blue yelled back, Milo looked at Blue and said "Does to! He's dated half the dogs in this school don't get caught up with him." Blue rolled her eyes and said " It's almost my first class I got to go, it was nice meeting you Milo!" Milo smiled and said " You too Blue!" And walked away.

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